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In fact, there is a lot of people heading out for a night of clubbing and enjoying a night of dancing to the latest music and having a good time at the night club.

As I have not gone party with friends for quite a long time, it was kind of excitement for me to enjoy the experience.

Last Saturday night, a group of my girlfriends and I were in a party mood so we went clubbing at one of the most popular night clubs in town.

The dance club was really good, it was hip and had a great atmosphere, quality music and beautiful interior.

I must admit I used to wonder what exactly it was that had so many people looking forward to the start of the weekend, especially the youngster.

In the culture of a night life, everything seemed right - clubbers, music, lighting, atmosphere.

Undeniably, my friends and I had those happy few hours cramming into the sweaty dance floor, having a high tune blasted and dancing like a grinning idiot.

However, one thing I disliked about the club life was that those booze hounds who were in pursuit of vulnerable women.

Also, when it came to the point of risking safety because of overcrowding, a tragedy could easily happen in time of having a fire or any emergency.

To me, I would not mind being part of the dance floor scene once in a while but begging for the weekend to arrive very soon then I shall be there is not what I would do.

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