No man is an island. That's true, but sometimes, like this time, I well wish it could be.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy people and I always have great times around people. But, I also need my space, which I haven't had enough these days.
Being alone is like charging up my battery. It's an oppotunity to re-collect my thoughts and finding courage to face whatever that will come.
I don't like being around people when I'm in misery. Oh yes, I can smile, chat away and laugh out loud, but afterward, I always feel drained of my energy and I'd feel worse. It's just funny.
My left wrist is still hurting, I'm sleepy all the times and I have headache everyday (this last one I think it's because of this groomy weather.) I'm not happy with a lot of things that's happening around me at the moment. I really do need to be alone.
My friends are meeting up today and I'm not going. I just don't feel like laughing today. I hope that they won't be mad at me and they'd understand that I love them all, no matter I see them or not.
Thanks god, it's Friday today.
Create Date : 07 พฤศจิกายน 2551 |
Last Update : 7 พฤศจิกายน 2551 14:05:29 น. |
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