YOU are not afraid. You think YOU are afraid. ~Shantimayi~ dear turtle

I feel the world is tumbling down on me.
From the second I know the truth,
the color of the whole world has changed .....for good.

It’s not me that is the loser, neither my elder sister.
It’s not my father or my mother, either.
Nevertheless, you are not the winner though.

The real winner of this game is EVIL.
And what turns to be a loser is LOVE.
Because you destroyed all of love I’ve given to you.

I write in English because
you are also my first English teacher who made English easy.
You were my beloved dearest sister.
I even loved you and needed you more than my own sister.
I cherished you and laid my soul in your hands.
You taught me many good things.
You brought me out. We had a nice time together, remember?
With no doubt, you were the one in the world I trusted.

But then you broke all of my love you’ve got from me.
You tear your beautiful mask away.
You betrayed my love, throwing my heart away.
You brought me up in a wonderful world.
But now you left me in a terrible one.
Because I know the reason of why you did that all.

You want something!!!
You are such a libidinous...pass-sa-yha... creature.
You are so dirty that I feel disgust with myself that I used to love you so much.

Love of my heart has been killed.
I have no love for anyone anymore.
I hate the world as you was once my world.

I have no trust in love!!!!

Love is still love.
I felt so bad when I saw you with your neice.
Of corse that girl is my niece too.
You sat together like what we did.
You laughed happily with her which reminded me of our old days.
It used to be me who were beside you and did those things.

I cried in my heart, feeling bitterly pain in my throat.
I’d like to talk to you so badly, smiling and spending time with you.
Only if I could forget all those things you’d done.
How could I forgive the one who destroyed my family?
And how could I loved the one who broke my mother’s heart?
Why does love teach me this lesson?

Shouldn’t I feel regret that I lose you?
Oh!!! Turtle...

...only if you know

Create Date : 10 เมษายน 2549
Last Update : 10 เมษายน 2549 0:51:20 น. 2 comments
Counter : 1235 Pageviews.

It looks most serious as I 've ever read in your blog. Whatever it is, hope everything will be better soon.

โดย: One of your friends (เพราะผมไม่มี Time Machine ) วันที่: 11 เมษายน 2549 เวลา:3:26:08 น.  

whatever happened,..hope it will get better soon..takecare

โดย: KS IP: วันที่: 12 เมษายน 2549 เวลา:0:35:36 น.  

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กรุงเทพ Thailand

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I'm on the rooftop

pavement and stars.

hardly no day
nor hardly no night

There're things...
half in shadow
and half way in light

It's where...
I gather my thoughts
and grow my dreams

are scattered
all around

In my words,
my songs,
my dance.

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