There's nothing good or bad. Just the thinking make it so.
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สิงหาคม 2551
9 สิงหาคม 2551
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ดูดวงไปด้วย เรียนภาษาอังกฤษไปด้วยก็ได้ ตอน คนปีวัว

ที่มา Feng Shui Tips

ค่อยเป็น ค่อยไป ค่อยหัด ค่อยอ่านกันนะครับ ทุกคน คราวนี้ ถึงตาชาวปีวัว กันแล้ว

Ox Horoscope

Ox is known as a tough animal. It works hard until achieving the target without a single complain.

Ox horoscope is a loyal animal. It works for its boss and never be lazy.

Ox is also a smart animal even though it seems slow and not as fast as some other animal such as monkey. The Chinese believe that this is a good characters for the leader. It is calm and very capable to handle hard works and bad situations.

The negative side of Ox people is that sometimes it is too difficult to guess what is he/she thinking. They are being so calm so if you don't know them well you might consider them as unfriendly people or even a bit arrogant.

Therefore, Ox Horoscope people are one of the best characters and it's an auspicious symbol in Chinese philosophy. If you have friends or boss who were born in Ox Horoscope month you can say that you are lucky.

เครดิต มีอีกเยอะ Feng Shui Tips


Create Date : 09 สิงหาคม 2551
Last Update : 9 สิงหาคม 2551 23:05:27 น.
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คุณ โตน
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