Yes, you're right. Let's wait and see. We're two real crazy girls!!!
Mixed marriage is not always the smoothest. We just have to do what seems best for everyone. We can't be in two places in one time. We can't please BOTH parents at the same time. And there's tons of 'we can'ts' BUT the niicest thing is at the end WE HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.
Tell Ty's Dad that things are not what it seems from over there. If you stay away from the sensitive areas you're safe. Remember, sensitive areas don't come to us. The American Embassy has not said anything re security, so we should take that as good news.
In our life someone's bound to miss someone or feel left out on something.
The best way to look at it is 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
มะเป็งลัย ยัยน้องหมี รุ่นลูกเธอก็บอกแร้วว่าให้ปลอมเป็งหมี Panda คืด เรื่องของเรื่งคือ ตัวคัยตัวมันฮ่ะ
อืมมมมม อ่านเรื่ง โหด หรือ โง่ ที่ YYSWIM Blog จบไปแต่สองเรื่ง ก็อดถามตะเองว่า อ๊ะ Am I in the wrog Blog? ถ้ามีเรื่ง โง่ๆ อยู่แถวๆ นี้ ตูต้องอยู่ผิด Blog แล้วหละ
มะเป็งลัย ยัยน้องหมี รุ่นลูกเธอก็บอกแร้วว่าให้ปลอมเป็งหมี Panda คืด เรื่องของเรื่งคือ ตัวคัยตัวมันฮ่ะ
อืมมมมม อ่านเรื่ง โหด หรือ โง่ ที่ YYSWIM Blog จบไปแต่สองเรื่ง ก็อดถามตะเองว่า อ๊ะ Am I in the wrog Blog? ถ้ามีเรื่ง โง่ๆ อยู่แถวๆ นี้ ตูต้องอยู่ผิด Blog แล้วหละ
Thank you for thinking I'm funny. At least someone is laughing ..... but I can't laugh too loud because 1) It still hurts ..... and 2) I don't want them to hear me.
5555 Just laught out lound about feet salad,best menu prepared from น้องหมีแพนดา.Then laught more when u told me about urself.Don't be so sad as u look like rainbow guy,u can tell them that u had been operated for longtime ago.
You like 'feet salad' prepared by Panda Bear, huh? Well, you can laugh and you can laugh and you can laugh some more because you're not the ONE that HAVE TO EAT it!!!!
Would you like to try some? I can arrange it for you very happily. You know, I'd like it to happen to someone else too.
The salad dressing, prepared by Panda Bear is Spanish+Thai=Spangthai or = Thaispang? style so you can imagine it to be really 'piquant' like-Spanish spicy and Thai Prik Khee-noo super hot. Phew! Makes my eyes water.
That is a good idea,you can write in Enlish with me ,because I want you help me about my wrting,speaking and orther..I live in Chiang Mai,but I moved from Phetchabun..I can speak Isaan,Norhtern.But,my Enlish is so bad.If my husband know I'm discuting with A BI-LINGUAL like you he will glad...I don't mind if you tell me what is wrong about my writing....I will precious that..Thank you so much again..
I totally understand it without you having to explain anything about repairing houses. Our house in the UK is the OLDEST house on the road and it looks like I feel. Because of the very strict laws and regulations in the UK we are always having to do something to the house. I have a suspicion that we will have to repair it all our lives and continue on a long time after that.
Ty calls 'Rucksack K' Pa Kaw, right? But did you know that Ty will have to call me 'น้องทิม' because his birthday is March 8th and mine is March 16th. That makes him 8 days older than me. And I will have to call you 'mommy' because I am Ty's 'little' sister. Isn't that wonderful! I love this life!!!! I love my life! I love this world!
For fixing the house, It just something always about MONEY and right now we have to be tight about money and you know first of the year, it's always the time to spent a lot of money for us. Just like พี่อ้วน(เสียงซึง) I really like to be one of your student 'cause We're two real crazy girls!!!
We're two real crazy girls!!! that's your word and I agreed
Let me ask Ty tomorrow that he wants to have a little sister or not or when we go to TH I'll let he tell you. We might have BD's party for you and Ty in the same week.....Ty loves McDonald's! so you can proof that you can be his sister gotto go to bed
โดย: from crazy mom to crazy little sister (แม่น้องธัย ) 5 กุมภาพันธ์ 2549 12:07:10 น.
BUT you know there are other crazy girls around too, right? We have Rucksack K. (RK for short), Cookie Bear and Angy.
You see, WE are NORMAL crazy but RK is crazy about everything, Cookie Bear is crazy about Cookies and Angy is crazy about Keanu.
Please tell Ty that I love McDonald's. I eat there like it's my own home. Let's go there so Ty and I can feed our faces for our 'joint birthday'. yeah..yeah...yeah...
Take it easy kha Khun Kru Tim,I'll finish soon my tragedy between my old guy and me.So wait for a while.If u want good "Feet salad"( this menu always make me laugh),u 've to wait na kha.
*Sneeeeeeeeeeezing* ฮ้าดเช่ย ๆๆๆๆ Did somebody talk about me behind my back? Hmmm...I do not give a hoot though. I am too happy to hit somebody's head. I have a BIG box of yummy cookies on my lap..กร้วม ๆๆๆๆ หย่อย ๆๆๆ Thank you so much, Timmie and P' Danny. You guys are the BEST!!!!
เจ๊กอ is also a very nice and funny lady. I am glad everyone is here. This place is never too crowded.
BTW, "Feet (FOOT) salad" is called ยำตีน in Thai. I call it FEET salad, instead of FOOT salad intentionally. (Just to make it sounds ironic and funny)
I heard a lot of people speak English with funny pronunciation. Por ejemplo, "Do you like to get my fooT?" hehe or I want to have flied lice... hehe
Better run before someone will ask me to share cookies
Hahahaha ... Cookie bear, It is NOT possible for a day to go by without all of us talking about you. And see? You sneeze ALL the time. You know why? Because we're talking about you BUT not 'behind your back' ..... because we love you.
Told Danny that you like the he's very proud of himself. Remember the first ones from Foodland? Disgusting, wasn't it? I wanted to return them but .....
Cookie ... "Feet Salad" is right. When you read my book you will see what I mean. I wrote about how we say "Foot Salad" for FRUIT Salad.. My daughter, Jasmina, did an illustration of a salad with, literally, 'feet' in it. Real cute.
This "Feet Salad" is going to be part of my identity for the rst of my life, huh?
Rucksack K. gets a kick out of mentioning 'Feet Salad' no matter what subject we're on.
Hi, there! Came over to admire your lovely flowers. You should have a button that we could 'flick' and the scents of the flowers come out. That'll be good.
Don't worry about 'correcting' anything. You will find that the more you write the better your writing will get.
Remember that we ALL make mistakes .... and you know what? SO WHAT? As long as we are all enjoying ourselves and have fun communicating with one another as well as share all our jokes with our friends who come in to visit.
My husband, Philip, goes to Chiang Mai often doing business and he loves it there. Maybe I will come with him sometimes so we can hang out together. Hey, maybe Rucksack K. (นางกอแบกเป้) can take us up on a trip. That would be really be fun, wouldn't it?
NOT teasing... I once went to Australia (a long time ago) and spent some time with aussie students and came home talkin' like 'at cha know. Really drove my parents bonkers and when they tell me to watch how I spoke I kept saying it's hard and it's catchy and all that. One day my dad put his foot down and said it's either I quit that Oz talk or they'll disown me. well, I tell you, without batting an eyelid, I switched back to my proper British accent like I never talked 'Strine.
Oh! Poor Aunty Mod. เขาอยู่เฉยๆ แต่เราก็แซวเขาเล่น ว่าสู้หลังขดหลังแข็งทำ Blog แล้วทำแจกด้วย จนใครๆ เขารู้จัก ไอ้เพื่อนเหลือขอมันเข้ามาไม่กี่วัน แกแทบประสาทกิน ดีนะ ชาว Blog เขา vote มานานจนกำลังจะประกาศผลแล้ว ถ้าเรามาเร็วอีกหน่อยเดียว ป้ามด ไม่มีได้ award หรอก ผลงานดี แต่มีเพื่อนปากมอม กรรมการตัดสินให้ ตกรอบไปเลย
ว่าจะขอให้เขาตั้ง รางวัล Blog ไม่เอาไหน แต่เพื่อนเยอะ ไม่รู้เขาจะพิจารณาหรือเปล่า
Good morning from U.S.ka..Thank you so much that K.Tinglish gave me กำลังใจ for learning in Enlish..(What should I say กำลังใจ )
I have heard about Rai-BN but I have never been there...All most my life I live in Chian Mai and did not traveling alot..I'm glad and looking forward to meet you in Chiang Mai...And, also we will funning time together....
My friend ENCOURAGED me ต้อง(มี) to (ขาดไม่ได้) do something.
ขาด to do ไป ก้ไม่ผิด แต่ ไม่สวย อยากสวย ต้องจำว่า to encourage someone TO DO something
ตานี้ ถ้าใครเขา ให้กำลังใจเรามาตลอด ในช่วงที่เตรียมตัวประกวดนางงามถีบจักรยานถือจ้อง จวบจนได้สวมมงกุฏนางสวเจียงใหม่นี่ละเจ้า ก็เล่าถึงความดีความงามของเขา ว่า Ty's mom HAS BEEN giving me the encouragments I needed to be where I am now.
Just keep writing, and it will help TREMENDOUSLY, IF you read a lot. What comes out when you write is what you have read.
Since you are in te environment you have the advantage that ALL of us in Thiland don't have. So, my advice is LISTEN more carefully at what is said to you and PAY MORE ATTENTION to HOW it is said.
I saw on your Blog that you live in Arkasas. I have never been there but the autumn leaves you hve there looks pretty much like the leaves I waded through in Central park, New York, when I was a kid. There is something about 'wading through' the Autumn leaves for American kids. Then, skates, popcorn, scooters (in my days we didn't have skate boards) followed by ice-cream.
Nostalgia .... I keep telling everyone I'm going to the States in May but I haven't got the tickets yet. Better not wait too long. I should deal with it today.
So, have a nice one. You must be fast asleep in your warm and cosy bed.
My name is Auan the meaning is me just name not khun at all 55
I'm so thank you alot that your explaining to me.Now,I'm clear and I i'm trying to remember which the word I would ask you some more...
Well,I live in the Arkansas and it so country state ,where I'm living it is a small city also alot boring not fun at all... The next summer I hope that I can take Enlish class in some big city.. Also,thank you again about your recomment to listening..Trying to associate with people here but it is not work alot may be too small city and people here look alot like the country people,some people have never heard about Thailand and another countries except Maxico
So,you have a nice day too...Good night from my time..
Err... Pleeease don't talk about FAT. I have at least 25 pounds to lose and none of it wants to move elsewhere.
Arkansas may be boring now for you but one day you'll look back from some very chaotic place and time and this may be your 'safe place' to come back to mentally.
You mentined that you are thinking of talking English courses in some big city? I hope you don't mind my offerin you this advice. IF you are thinking of taking English classes for yourself, do it with aiming for the possibility of one day, later on in the distance futre, to continue on taking TESOLW (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages of the World) or even taking 'courses' on ESL or TESOL. This is will be very useful IF you ever consider coming back to Thailand. You can teach English .... your experience by then will be very needed in this country. AND, if you never came back, I am sure you will find it very useful one way or the other in the States. The fact that you are learning something is good enough.
There is a REASON for everything that happens to us or in what we do. Have faith.
Saw your ตำบักหุ่ง and my mouth was watering just like when I saw Ty's mom's picture of her Som Tam.
Somebody got confused!!....hahaha>>> comment 29 I mention about พี่อ้วน that I want to be one of your student, P'Auan and I (OY), we're from northern part of Thailand and we're like to talk to each other by native language.
So, " We're two real crazy girls!!!" it's from comment 13 I thought you meant about you and I and I really, really want to see you when I go back to Thailand.
How can I contact you? you can leave your phone number via email even I don't have the ticket in my hand right now but I'm sure that I'll go to Thailand as soon as we figure out know how money we'll get back from the TAX and then much money that I can spend in Thailand with Ty(for me to eat ตำบักหุ่ง and Ty eats McDonald's).
Angy, two words for you... BE NICE! I know you love me but you don't have to say bad things about me, esp your sarcasm.
Timmie, Bear is not a dog and a dog is not a bear. Please do not be confused and categorize me with D O G.
Timmieeeee!! I brought the cookies to eat at work today. I pretended to be nice by asking my colleagues to have some (as usual) They played dumb and took som cookies from me. Then, they kept coming back for more. ARGHHHH!!! They said next time I should bring chocolate chip cookies. Now the cookies are in my drawer, locked!!!
Soon, all cookies will be gone. ARghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as I was thinking I should do as the Roams do...give no information in the 'profile' section of the blog, someone, like yourself, gives me a good reason for NOT doing it.
I'm on the working committee for the upcoming TU15 (2515) 30th Reunion. So, that's how 'young' I am. Which year group are you?
You mentioned having lived in Florida. My grandparents were in Palm Beach. To me it's heaven on earth and I loved visiting them there. Now that they have passed on to the heaven up above 'home' in the States for me is where the rest of the family are, which is in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.
And.... so ... that's it. Great to hear from you. Ciao for now.
I KNOW the difference between dogs and bears. I am just saying that if Angy's concerned about my "bear-smelling-blog", she could put her mind at rest as I have three dogs here at the house. Soon enough the blog will soon smell more like dogs than bears, translating that hopefully I will be able to make my blog look more "me" with what I put in it.
Sarcasm!!!!???? That is a sign of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP, isn't it?
Don't lock the cookies up. EAT them and let the others eat their hearts out!!!
NOW, YOU GOT IT !!! ว่าใครเป็นใคร.... ฝากเบอร์ไว้กลับไปจะนัดไปกินแม็คฯ เป็นเพื่อนน้องธัยนะคะ วันนี้สรุปหาไปหามา....ได้อาหารสิ้นคิดคือ....ได้ผัดกระเพราหมูค่ะ
Ah...Timmie!! I graduated from TU too!!! L'Art.. 39--- (Majoring: Eng. Lit')hehe.. Looks like we have a lot in common, both from TU, intelligent, (not so) crazy and VERY PRETTY hehehe
ชอบม๊าก มาก
Happy Birthday to Tinglish นะคะ