Yes, That was quite a surprise!!!! I had this phone call yesterday from our kind and caring "Aunty Mod" who turned out to be a long lost friend since third grade. I think I saw her briefly at a class reunion about 4-5 years ago.
We are fortunate here on this blog as Aunty Mod has kindly offered to assist as a blog architect (and all the decorations, no doubt!!)
This is very encouraging for all of us who suffer from 'techno-phobia'.
Many thanks, hugs and kissess to Aunty Mod, From myself, Timmie and the rest of the gang
hehe..Spanglish is actually pretty cute and funny. I like listening to some Spanish people speak English. They can hardly pronounce T and P in English since there are no such sounds in it's like..
I want TO buy a Pink shirt. ไอ่ ว๊อน ตู บาย อ่า ปิ๊ง เชิ๊ต
Dear Angy, I can't type in Thai to save my life (Just yet) that's why i have to type in English. But I guess we'll be OK. You type in Thai while I type in English. That way we're both happy.
Muchas graciassss por your kindness. --- is el ejemplo of Spanglish..5555
No, I am not opening a bottle of champagne, perhaps a big bottle of chocolate milk with some yummy cookies later. Would you like to have some? (**Just acting nice -- don't take this serious -- I DO NOT share cookies**)
Guess what, writing about Spanglish is almost impossible since spanish people (in Spain) hardly speak English. They use English words just for caling devices like walkman, dvd. (Un) Fortunately, I do not know about people in South America.
Tengo muchas hungry.. Hasta luego..see you around. are too kind. Me gusta muchas las galletas (I love cookies so much ... ) chocolate chip y butter also brownie and cakeeeeeee!! (In Spanish we put adjectives after nouns.)
Proverbs of the day: ตักบาตรอย่าถามพระ / ฝากคุกกี้ไว้กับหมี/
jejejejejejejejeje Have a nice day....
hmmm...perhaps I should move to stay with Danny. I promise that I will be so very good. Anything for cookiessss..This BEAR can DO!!!
I will Hasta pronto for you. soooo ... The address has been sent to that HotMALE address...huh? ..OK..I got the message. Will give you the dilivery time and date asap.
You can't wait to get Danny('s cookies) ,,, uh-huh! There's no need to bribe him but he loves to hear people say that his cookies are the best in Thailand. Flattery gets you everywhere.
What kind of bamboo does he like? He prefers coconuts.
Wow! Lucky me! Finally I will really get FREE YUMMY Cookies...hehe I have nothing to give you in return except my bearish heart and some broke Spanish skills (which i do not need) 5555
I am not in a hurry to get cookies so there is no need to make cookies right away..yes..yes...feel free to go to the kitchen... don't worry about me.. I am not waiting..just drooling endlessly..
Ah.....that trick always works...give the chief BIG compliments... Easy job for me and it is even better thatn I do not have to fake it...LOL
I do not have coconuts for Danny, since I like them too. about a VCD of me eating coconuts?
Muchas GRACIAS........ You guys are so kind. Will you marry me, Danny? hehehe
Oh! so Hasta pronto = See you soon.. OK! Mde a boo-boo there!
Dear Drooling Bear, You are such a charmer!
Yeah!!! A vcd of you eating coconut would be fun to watch. I love coconuts too..... juice, ice cream, sherbet ... coconut heart salad...stir fried... you name it.
Thank you..thank you..thank you.. I am honored. (bow..bow..bow..) No, no one will ever see me eating coconuts. The VCD is too tragic. En espanol, coconut es el coco.. In Spanish, coconut is el coco (male).. Just so you know, ever word in Spanish does have a gender. El is the article used with male words.
El coco.. (small c -- Capital C like Coco -- means a Boogyman, so please be careful)
Feel free to get your tongue ready for speaking Spanish it's Loooooooooooooovely!!! especially the rrrrrr sound (like ร เรือ in Thai)
Que tal? This is eaier than Buenas tardes.. Oh.. 52 is a reverse of 25 so... what did you drink at lunch time?
The accent slips back and forth between american and Brit when I rad o my own. And when I am tired i slip into some aussie. I don't know why. Just no control. can't concentrate...
Your preeeeeciiiiouuuus Danny I called.. he just had his diabetes jab before going to bed.
Adios! Abrazos y besos I llike this phrase... cute
I'm slowly learning how to change the colour of the bg. Aunty Mod is having mucho headache because of me. I think she's gone to bed early tonite.
Thanks for asking. I am so full. I just had two big bowls of noodles. hehe Now I am ready to moo - moo - bear. Well, the truth is that I did not drink at noon so .. you heard me.
Same here, it happens to me too. When I talk to people speaking English with strong Indian accent, I will just talk like them hehe
Oh..Danny boy..danny boy..I should eat more cookies for him to help him with his malicious diabetes. Will that help?
Actually, I might be able to help you with the background too. I have some Photoshop skills. If you would like to have a new background created from photos or pictures, send them over. I think Anty Mod needs to rest too.. hehe
Thought I'd check mail and blog before going to bed. Nice finding your note.
I was hoping Danny would get on the com at his house so he'd reply to some of your comments, but he goes to bed early because he has morning classes.
He doesn't eat the cookies he makes when he makes them they'll be all for us ...sorry... YOU. I think you two would have a great time talking about cooking. So, maybe when the Bloggang get together we should suggest a BYO (Not for you but for others=Bring Your Own) or Pot Luck.
Yes, accents are catchy and bad ones are hard to get rid of.
Thanks for your offer to ssist witht he blog building or backgrounds. I didn't think I'd be so caught in a group of such talented people. Let's talk about it at length sometimes.
As for now... Buenas noche my dear friendly Bear. Sweet I don't bite... but I snore!!!!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahaha ..!! Lucky me! Thank you thank you..thank you! Yes, Yes, I will be on the look out for both cookies and the famous book.
Naaaaaah .. I do not betray anyone. I just prepare myself for the anticipated rendez-vous with Don Shrekito in Barcelona next month. He keeps calling me FATTY Kiddo and I feel offended. I will bring the book to BCN too. Please give Shrekito and me TWO Baht for our thoughts hehe
Unfortunately, I only have PINK PINK PINK backgrounds in my computer. Otherwise, I would have shared them with you. Dont worry, my own blog is pretty because I keep stealing from other people too. We are alike hehe..
With Aunty Mod, I am not worried. You are in a good hand. Also, I dont think your blog is cool. Its HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I am skinny, with big belly. This is because I am 124 month pregnant. (All cookies inside)
How nice...seeing Don Shrekito in Barcelona. Well, I will give you an extra book for him. How's that?
I have family freinds in Alecante. Beautiful climate, very much like summer in California. What I rememeber so vividly is the poppies. Just miles and miles of them.
I loooooove pink. Aunty Mod kindly did the set background thing for me so I stick to the dark colours. This is fine. I likeiit..nice and warm...hmm actually you are right. It is hoooooottt!
What does "Hasta proto!!" mean?
124months? Wow!! I can't even imagine what that's like. Sounds terribly ginormous!!!
Good very morning .rise & shineee! Wow! Thats a VERY nice of you to give me an extra copy of your book for Don Shrekito too. I am sure he will be very happy. Yesterday he visited the Tinglish blog, and he was amazed how popular the gang is! Muchas Graciassss!!! *Beso* *beso*
Ah..I know Alicante too, but I have never been there. It sounds like a good city to visit.
I did not know that you also love pink. I will email you some pink backgrounds I have. I hope they are useful for the upcoming Valentines Day too!
Guess almost got it. 'Hasta proto!!' means See you! (soon) hehe Spanish is actually funny and crazy. You will learn more little by little from my blog. For example, to say OK, Spanish people say, ¡vale! (pronounced ba-le). BUT..thats not enough. It is too short, so they add, Venga = OK - Then, when they say ok ok, it is ¡Vale, venga! (bale, benga!!) Crazy uh?
Yes, AnGy is back. She still looks AnGry. I havent talked to her yet. I will try to be nicer to her to cheer her up a bit.
Didn't rise and shine this morning. Went to bed at one thirty. Woke up at four thirty and went to teach. On my feet all day and just got home an my head is all soggy.
I hope Don Shrekito will enjoy reading my book, and of course, you too. Take a lot of pictures from Barcelona and put it on the blog. I haven't been there for almost twenty make it thirty..OH? How could that be, If I am only 25?
¡Vale, venga! I know we're getting silly here.
I AM learning spanish from you and you don't get anything from me. that is not so fair, is it?
Angy is a good kid. Nice of you to want to be nicer to her to cheer her up a bit. Hmmm! And you tell me you don't give a hoot? Hmm! ¡Vale
Now, I need your help. someone asked me what "A penny for your thoughts" means and I couldn't tell them. Actually, I was dumbfounded!! Maybe yu could help me. How do you say it in Thai?
Yo in Spanish means I (pronoun) hehe.. I feel so lucky myself that I do not have to go to bed that late and wake up before cOckodoOdodo.. Hope you have some time to sit back and relax. What a dedicating instructor you are! Wow! I am so proud of youuuuu! Keep doing the good work. The not so poor country realy needs more people like you. :) (less lazy bear like me?? .. I doubt it. )
Don Shrekito es muy feliz.. is so happy to be given the prrrreeeecious book. He already sneaked in here and checked the book's cover. hehe.. Muchas gracias.. That's what he just said to you.
Of course, I will take a lot of pictures. I am so obsessssed with taking crazy pictures. I think I should show you some pix from the previous rendez vous too. hehe.. They are so crazy that I do not dare to show them to other people. You will be so very (un) lucky to see them hehe...
No, I do not give a hoot. Making the spanish lesson blog is unconditional. I do not want anything in return from others except COOKIES....hehe You know me. I am not that greedy....I am just hungry too often.
Ah...coincidentally, Don Shrekito always tells me, "Kiddo, One penny for your thoughts" when I am quiet. He always wants to make sure that I am still crazy ... hehe So I am quite familiar with the saying. In Thai, I'd say.. บอกมานะ ว่าคิดอะไรอยู่ If one satang is too less, it might be increased to 1 Baht...Then, when translated very directly.. it will be ให้หนึ่งบาท (หนึ่งสตางค์) บอกมาคิดอะไรอยู่ or we can make it more colloquial like ให้บาทนึง บอกมาคิดอะไรอยู่
Hope this helps. BTW, AnGy is not so angry, I think. She is slowly recovering from the broken heart disease. Time will heal everrrrrything.
Yaawnn... Time for this bear to go moo-moo.. Nighty Night and TTYL.
Cookie Bear!!! Only a day to go till you get your cookies!!!
Thanks for the thai version of "A penny for your thought". I'd go for ให้บาทนึง บอกมาคิดอะไรอยู่ I think this is the closest. Thanks a lot.
Yes, I don't think angy is angry any more. A tough kid like that will recover in not ime, I am sure.
I go to her blog twice everyday to see what she has done and read people's comments. It is very nice to see that there is a community spirit. Angy is obviously very popular. I know because I am a great fan of her blog.
I just got back from a meeting ...only twenty minutes to midnight!!! And I have to get up at five. I tell you i am beginning to look like a Panda myself.
Thanks for dropping by our blog and apologies for not having replied earlier. I have had four late nights out in a row as well as having to rise at the crack of dawn so I was able to read the notes posted but was not able to answer any of them. It is now ten to midnight my time here in Bangkok and I can barely keep my eyes open.
If you could send me your address to I will send you my book. Don't forget to let me know who you'd like me to autograph it for.
Thank you so much ka, Timmie, for visiting my blog. I agree with what you say about learning English and failure. I also wish that I can overcome my fear of writing and speaking English soon. >_<
Again, thank you for your kindness that you'd send your book to me ka, I'm sure it'd be a great help
I hope this note finds Nong Ty feeling better and you more rested.
Don't PUSH yourself to hard. You are in the environment so IF you try to NOT speak Thai with your Thai friends your English will progress very quickly.
I can see you are ......drooling...drooling... and ..drooling...and so am I...Ok here is the final bargain. We will reduce the tax to one out of twenty. How's that?
Tomorrow I will go to work very early and wait for cookies..hehe Nighty night Timmie! Don't go to bed toooooooooooooo late. You'll grow old too fastttt!
อดอมยิ้มไม่ได้ ที่บอกว่า My daughter tried to thread a string of spaghetti through one ear ... ตอนนี้ลูกชายชักเบื่อเหมือนกันค่ะ เส้น ๆ เนี๊ยะบ่อยเหลือเกิน ....เห็นสะตออีกก็อยากผัดอีก...แต่เอาไว้ก่อนค่ะ....เดี๋ยวจะทรมานน้องธัยตอนเข้าห้องน้ำต่อจากแม่ค่ะ....
Dear Ty's Mom, I have known husbands disowning thier wives and kids diowning their parents because of the Men Beans. You are very lucky your husband and son understand you!
My children are now 22 and 20 and their favorite dish is STILL spaghetti-especially their dad's version.
Baby showers is a great idea. I am trying to promote it here in Thailand withthin the international community I live in. Everyone who's been to one likes the idea so I hope they will carry it out..on...whatever.
Of course NOT! No, that's not my picture. Lucky me. Otherwise, I would have not been allowed to have cookies forever hehe..
Seriously, Don Shrekito really appreciates your kidness, but he is worried about my over-eating disorder. I think he is just jealous....hehehe
Nighty night Timmie! Going Moo-Moo again. The second batch of cookies is anticipated. I am sorry for expressing my hunger too much. I just can't help myself.
There is only Daddy's spaghetti in my family. We all have our own specialties. My specialties are: my version of Shelo Kebab (not sure abot the spelling, but that's how we say it), Chicken Masala, Mince Pie and Guacamole(not sure about the spelling either). That's Iranian,Indian, English and South American (which is different to Mexiacan and Texmex) respectably.
Yes, we should try to promote Baby showers in Thailand as well as Bridal showers. That will save people a lot of money and we don't have to end up with a stock of bath towels that lasts us all our lives. BUT I think thais prefer an envelope with money in it. that is the most useful gift.
No tummy ache last night. hehe... Talking about spaghetti, this is also yummy..yummy.. Anyway, I prefer pasta with cabonara sauce + extra smoked salmon + extra cheese + extra bacon + extra everyTING.
Oh! (Not) Sorry to hear that you Timmie are allegic to seafood. Who's going to eat smoked salmon for you then? hehe.. I love people who are allergic to seafooooooooood.
Don Shrekito is not allergic to seafood, but he just does not eat seafood. How lucky meBear.. Regards from D.S. too.
With me and don Shrekito NOT eating seafood that'll make you real happy, huh? Philip, my husband, loves safood BUT it doesn't like him. You see, he loves it but he's slightly allergic to it...meaning he gets a bit bunged up i te nose and gets a headache. And he says it's worth it!!!!
My days are a bit long but that's OK. Slowing down with age but still young at heart.
Yes, yes.. it is worth eating seafood to get a headache later hehe... A lot of people are allergic to seafood these days. Lucky me...hehe Now I am thinking about yummy seafood again, smoked salmon, shrimps, etc...nyam...nyam.. I think Thailand is the best place to have seafood
Scary, uh? Let's register yourself to a health club near you..hehe
I am frustrated with my travel agent. They cannot confirm my airticket to BCN. I am having a second thought if I should YELL at them. I need the airticket to obtain mi visado. The embassy might feed my passport to their pets if I do not fetch it soon. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
I am half-half (Half human being - half bear) but my ancestors were originally from China as you know. (I am Panda)
I got a red envelope from someone yesterday. No dinero but panda stamps. Very cute though
Arghhh... I am stressed. My airticket is in the waiting list. The agent cannot issue the ticket. I need to show the ticket to the embassy to get my passport back. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Where are those people going?????
Timmie, please feel free to get some Italian bread and pass them to me. I will eat them on your behalf.
Envy! Envy! Envy!!!! Italian bread???? Grrrrrrrr I LOVE Italian bread. I KNOW what you mean when you said the spaghetti almost came out of your ears. I did that the night before and my tummy still hurts. But.... Yuuuuummmm!!!
I AM going to the US end of May...Hope to talk to you then!
Yep-yep-yep ... NOW I know to feed you well or all our COOKIES will be gone!!!!
BTW...Are the people in the airline still alive and breathing? I have a suspicion that they've been stranggled by THE BEAR!!!! Nightie-nite... Me..VERY...SLEEPY!!!
hehe..well done Timmie. Now we can be friendsssss hahaaha..
I went to see my travel agent and yell at her. No, just begged her nicely to find me the airticket. Tomorrow is the end of the rope. If I still cannot get the air ticket confirmed, I will break my piggy bank and buy the British Airways air ticket via the internet (50K Baht) Arghhh...
Will you please feed me for a month when I am back? hehe
Dear Ty's mom, I'm going to the US around the end of May or perhaps te first week of June. Hope we see each other either here or there, depending. When I have my schedule i will let you know.
SORRY! COOKIE BEAR... MISPRINT ON MY PART. I meant to say we will feed you for a MONTH not a MOTH. I know you don't eat ...or DO you?
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