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NOTabout ME

but about

THOSEaround ME

My Sweet asleep..

Jasmina...known as ... the Jaz ...

A Sweet Little Angel
following her dreams
walking her path on this Earth in Kent,
"the Garden of England".

When she awakes ...
she's a funloving girl
cute....funny.....witty ....
..cunning....and full of surprises...
There is NEVER a dull moment....

She paints, she draws..
she doodles..
she sings..
she dances and she has fun...

Inside This Little Angel
is the loving and caring Jaz
who always looks out to see
what she could do
to make people happy.

She listens.
She supports.
She encourages.

She is the Angel of Hope.

Anyone that knows her
knows this much:

When the whole world walks out..
The Jaz walks in .....
Create Date :16 มกราคม 2549 Last Update :18 มกราคม 2549 5:14:12 น. Counter : Pageviews. Comments :2