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กุมภาพันธ์ 2550
13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550
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What do I shop on Ebay?

There was someone wondering that what was a reason why I spent my time on EBay. What kind of stuff I bought from the website?

Well, there were certain things in which I'm interested.... One was my old hobby; stamp collection, and another was my future house.

For the former, I was a stamp collector since I was 8 or 9 years old.... Well, when I was a kid, I just peeled those stamps from envelopes and kept those stamps in my stamp collection books.... When I grew up a bit, I ordered new stamps from the postoffice.... I bought only a few old Thai stamps... Well, they were really expensive to me.

In Thailand, stamp collecting was pretty popular... Old Thai stamps were really expensive particularly those issued during the King Rama V, VI, VII, and VIII....

As a kid, I couldn't afford those... just looking them in a catalogue and wondering they were too far to reach....

When I arrived at US in 2001. In that time, Ebay wasn't that big compared to its today's size!! Today, Ebay encompasses almost every products needed in everyday of life, those old Thai stamps included.

Firstly, I wasn't looking for them... We looked for baby's stuff (more details can be seen at Family Life/EBay Nation). After that I just put a keyword Thailand into its search engine.... More than 70% of products listed with the word Thailand was stamps, believe it or not!!

So, accidentally, I ran into my "old friends" and started to do "another research".... and I found out that the prices here on E-Bay were more affordable than the prices listed on Thai stamp catalogue.

Thus I jumped into some auctions and won some. The following pictures are some examples of stamps which are now in my collections;

These are Horsemen stamps issued in the King Rama V period.


A picture of Horseman stamps with 10 and 20 Tical denominations.


A picture of Red Cross stamps issued in the King Rama VI period.


Furthermore, I planned to build a house for our family when we got back to Thailand. Well, we would love to see our wall hanging with our own histories and things we loved.

My wife and I found out that tennis was another big part in our life... It's meaningful that this sport brought and glued us together in a healthy way with a healthy dream.... So, basically, we loved this sport and would like to see it to be that way-- where-ever we go.

So, on a wall of our future house, we would designate one area for "A Wall of Fame in Tennis". On that wall, I envisaged it to have signed photographs of tennis legends such as Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors, Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, and our two little tennis players at the very bottom of the wall....

At present, I had Connors, Sampras, Agassi, Nadal, and Federer. Here are some examples of those legends who unofficially invited to be on our wall!!;

Andre Agassi with his Wimbledon trophy.


Roger Federer with one of his US Open trophies.


And, that's about it for me with my "EBay shoppings".


Create Date : 13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550
Last Update : 14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 0:05:16 น.
Counter : 408 Pageviews.


I've never shopped on Ebay. Don't know why. Maybe I heard too many horror stories about how people get ripped off on Ebay. But you haven't had any bad experiences, have you?

I used to collect stamps when I was a little girl. Don't know why I stopped. Lost interest, maybe.


โดย: Rive Gauche 14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 2:58:04 น.  


I was a heavy seller on EBay when I was in school. It's a way for me to make money while studying and taking care of my kid. I made quite decent money by selling everything, electronics, clothes (new), handbag, etc.

Nowadays, I am still browsing around in EBay. Last year I got the almost new exercise machine for under $200. But mostly I browse for books since I am a big fan of English literature.

Your stamp and tennis poster collections were so cool. It reminds me about a chian restaurant called "Apple's Bee". They displayed all local posters, picture and local town history. I always wondered how they could get their hands of these personal items.


โดย: Piglet-Yorkie 14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 3:08:24 น.  




โดย: tukata001 14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 3:52:14 น.  


Wow! That was awesome!


โดย: PatPdx IP: 14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 8:16:47 น.  


Wow, thank you for answering my curious..
It is interesting website that I have never learned about it before. Now, i would like to know more about eBay...

In the past, I also collected stamp as well, but not a big fan of it.


โดย: The Phu IP: 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 0:24:43 น.  


Ive long been a stamp collector too...i shall put some on ebay to lure a potential customer like you..(if only i could make up my mind to sell any of the collections...)


โดย: namsom (LRRH) IP: 17 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 5:29:43 น.  


I'am eBay Seller..we have Beautiful Thailand stamps collection... by yokee_playman


โดย: yokee_playman IP: 17 ตุลาคม 2550 13:08:47 น.  


Oh...wow! What's a great topic.
I'm the member of ebay too. Sell and Buy. Sometime when I want to know the price of something (usually computer accessory) I'll check the price in ebay frist, and always I normally get a good price, it's cheaper than in Thailand. But sometime you found something that hard to believe the price of it. I used to find out the plastic cup of McDonald's (1st one in 1st branch) they bid more than a 1,000+ us dollars. Amazing ha.! So, that make me to be one of member of Ebayer.....and also I'm the one that collecting stamps too.
Love it Ebay.....


โดย: polsuk2006 IP: 18 ธันวาคม 2550 18:15:00 น.  

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amatuer translator
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พิษณุโลก Thailand

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Note: My life has been intertwined with works and many others. New responsibility has emerged, resulting less and less time for my ordinary life. Although, a love to write is still intact... But having less time is related to having less imagination.... Therefore, I could not come up with new writings for quite some times.

It might be a good time for me to leave this forum for moment.... Please take it as Mr. A.T. is having a sabbactatical leave or something like that....

As noted above, my love to write is still the same... and will not be changed. Sometimes somehow, I hope I could come back and give some thoughts in this blog once more.

Mr. A.T.
June 6th, 2008



My pen-name in Pantip is amatuer translator. Actually, I'm a lousy translator with lame translation. My pen-name is somewhat misleading, I have no background in linguistics what-so-ever. Anyway I love to read, write and communicate with people...

Reading is my most favorite hobby. I read everything from shopping bags to articles in theoretical physics. I do research and teaching for my living. So, reading, writing, thinking and doing research works are my everyday routine.

I would like to define myself as a person who is accepting new ideas and adopting those into my way of life.

I believe in power of knowledge/education. I think every society can be a better society with knowledge. Ignorance can be dispelled by it. Humanity can live sustainably and harmoniously with each other along with its biosphere with understandings in the nature surrounding it.

Apart from my philosophical thoughts reflecting who I am, I can tell you something I like or love in particular;

I love dogs.... Particularly, labradore retrievers.... One day, I would like to spend my time and life with them as a big part of my family.

Zhuge Liang is my hero. With his wisdom and faithfulness, he led a tiny army to a mighty and formidable kingdom. He left his humble residence with a hope to come back. But, sadly, he had never returned and died far far away from home in a horse carriage in a battle field. If I could choose where I would, I would say where-ever my lovely wife was nearby.

I value happiness and my family as my first priority. My profession and my philosophy come in the second. Pursuit in wealth has never been in my desire.

I'm glad to be your friend, and look forward to seeing you around krub.

Best wishes,
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