Words are a tool to convey meanings of love and care as well as hate, discrimination and indifference. Use them well.
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มีนาคม 2550
25 มีนาคม 2550
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Two Kinds of Birds That I Would Like to Be


Normally, I'm not a romantic person. Lately, I smiled and laughed less... There might be something troubling my mind.

Anyway, I saw many authors describing their love lives in several ways... some cited about birds.....

Well, if I was a bird, I should be a penguin because I was afraid of height... So flying might have killed me before I met my soulmate.

I liked to read everything including biology... Sometimes, I got a chance to learn and know into some interesting behaviors of birds.... From that, if I could choose birds that represents my unique "romantism", those birds should be hornbills and pigeons.

Hornbills are truly monogamous---meaning one spouse for the rest of their natural life. By their appearance, they are really ugly birds... However, when you take a microscope into their lives, you would admire male hornbills as your role model if you are a man and your dream husband if you are a woman.

As I said earlier, they are monogamous. Once they mate, the female bird becomes pregnant, and she lays her eggs in a small hole sealed with dried mud. There will be only a small hole wide enough for her beak to protrude out. In lay terms, she and her chics are "in captivity".

The only way that the female bird and the chics will survive is by the hard-working male spouse. The man has the sole responsibility in his family's survival. He is the only who brings his family with food and protections. Without him, the entire family will face hunger and gruesome death in pitted dark.

How about the forementioned pigeons?

They are widespread. Anyone can see them almost throughout this blue planet. They carry nasty, fatal fungi. But, if well-trained, they can fly far and high.... But, at the end of the day, the only place they will fly to is home and her.

These are a few reasons why I chose to be a hornbill and a pigeon.



Create Date : 25 มีนาคม 2550
Last Update : 25 มีนาคม 2550 3:58:52 น.
Counter : 472 Pageviews.


ปกติไม่โรแมนติกจริงรือ จดหมายเป็นตั้งๆขนาดนั้น อิอิ

วันนี้เพิ่งดูทีวีมา เห็นพูดถึง Adélie Penguins แวบๆว่าเป็น monogamous พอดีเลย
งั้นกิขอเป็นเพนกวินนี่แล้วกัน ...มันน่ารักอะค่ะ

นกเงือกนี่ได้ยินกิตติศัพท์มานานแล้ว แต่เพิ่งได้อ่านเรื่องตอนกกไข่...
กิว่ามันสวยดีออกนะคะ ชอบอะ (หรือชอบของแปลก )


โดย: r k i IP: 25 มีนาคม 2550 6:31:00 น.  


Lovely metaphors...I would be an owl for nonsentimental reasons..

Thanks for the invites and for keeping me posted na ka. Stay well &take care,


โดย: namsom (LRRH) IP: 25 มีนาคม 2550 11:05:16 น.  


ทำไม อยากเป็นนกซะงั้นละครับ .... ผมอยากเป็นหมา ครับ

ปล. พี่กลัวความสูงเหรอครับ ..... อดเล่นชิงช้าสวรรค์ เลยซิครับ


โดย: POL_US IP: 25 มีนาคม 2550 11:09:42 น.  



Any wives would be so proud, if their husbands are as nice as you.


โดย: PatPDX IP: 25 มีนาคม 2550 11:42:40 น.  


Those two birds have so nice behaviour ka.
I'm sure you've made a very good family :)


โดย: ไร้นาม 25 มีนาคม 2550 14:59:54 น.  


Nice story, thanks for sharing.


โดย: prood IP: 25 มีนาคม 2550 19:18:19 น.  


Well, all the birds you mention seem to be delicious!!! heh heh heh just kidding naka.

You are so lovely, romantic and adorable ka. Your wife and family must be proud of you.

Like khun POL_US, I think I would like to be a dog โฮ่ง โฮ่ง


โดย: the Vicky 25 มีนาคม 2550 19:19:48 น.  


It 's really nice and romantic story, I 'm looking for
one hornbill. 555555


โดย: Toopickygirl (Princess in the Blue ) 25 มีนาคม 2550 19:23:35 น.  



It might remind you that there is a good man out there for you. If you find one, don't hesitate to let him know your feelings.

I am sure that if I find one I will let him know everyday that he is loved by someone.

Now please look for a hronbill for me!!!


โดย: the Vicky 25 มีนาคม 2550 19:26:21 น.  


:) Khun A.T , U are such a nice guy ka.

thank you for sharing and thanking for letting me learn many vocab today. ( as I would like to know the story , i have to open dictionary for many words ka. )


โดย: The phu IP: 25 มีนาคม 2550 23:10:13 น.  


I always question animals that mate for life. I mean, do they choose to do that or it's their natural instinct? What if the male turns into an asshole and the female turns into a phycho?


โดย: Rive Gauche 28 มีนาคม 2550 8:45:58 น.  

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amatuer translator
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พิษณุโลก Thailand

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Note: My life has been intertwined with works and many others. New responsibility has emerged, resulting less and less time for my ordinary life. Although, a love to write is still intact... But having less time is related to having less imagination.... Therefore, I could not come up with new writings for quite some times.

It might be a good time for me to leave this forum for moment.... Please take it as Mr. A.T. is having a sabbactatical leave or something like that....

As noted above, my love to write is still the same... and will not be changed. Sometimes somehow, I hope I could come back and give some thoughts in this blog once more.

Mr. A.T.
June 6th, 2008



My pen-name in Pantip is amatuer translator. Actually, I'm a lousy translator with lame translation. My pen-name is somewhat misleading, I have no background in linguistics what-so-ever. Anyway I love to read, write and communicate with people...

Reading is my most favorite hobby. I read everything from shopping bags to articles in theoretical physics. I do research and teaching for my living. So, reading, writing, thinking and doing research works are my everyday routine.

I would like to define myself as a person who is accepting new ideas and adopting those into my way of life.

I believe in power of knowledge/education. I think every society can be a better society with knowledge. Ignorance can be dispelled by it. Humanity can live sustainably and harmoniously with each other along with its biosphere with understandings in the nature surrounding it.

Apart from my philosophical thoughts reflecting who I am, I can tell you something I like or love in particular;

I love dogs.... Particularly, labradore retrievers.... One day, I would like to spend my time and life with them as a big part of my family.

Zhuge Liang is my hero. With his wisdom and faithfulness, he led a tiny army to a mighty and formidable kingdom. He left his humble residence with a hope to come back. But, sadly, he had never returned and died far far away from home in a horse carriage in a battle field. If I could choose where I would, I would say where-ever my lovely wife was nearby.

I value happiness and my family as my first priority. My profession and my philosophy come in the second. Pursuit in wealth has never been in my desire.

I'm glad to be your friend, and look forward to seeing you around krub.

Best wishes,
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