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There is nothing like a dingy room to make you feel miserable and uninspired.  Dark rooms can be a major pain for a lot of home owners. However, the good news is; you don’t have to knock the wall down and replace it with a massive window in order to bring in the light. The following tips are easy to implement and will make your room appear a lot less darker than it is…

Sunny Walls.

If you go for a dark colour then it is only going to make the room look dimmer. Pick a sunny shade, such as a bright and cheerful yellow, and this will instantly bring an injection of luminosity into the room.

Oversized Mirror.

Instead of large wall art choose an oversized mirror. This will allow the light to reflect off the furniture pieces. In order to make the most of your mirror make sure it is placed either opposite or adjacent to the main window.

Large Lights.

It seems a bit obvious to use lights in order to make a room lighter. However, it’s a case of the bigger the better. Get rid of the spotlights and change them to a large pendants which hang low over your furniture.

Add a Sparkle.

Jeweled accessories can work wonders as the light will reflect off them beautifully. Not only this, but no one can deny the added dosage of glamour a sequinned cushion or a jewel tie back can bring.

Window Film.

Big, bulky and heavy curtains are a massive no when it comes to dark rooms. Instead, swap your curtains for window film. Not only is this practical and looks great, but it will probably be a lot cheaper too.

Roof Light.

This is undoubtely the most effective way of bringing light into a room – althought it is a bit more difficult to implement in comparison to the other suggestions. The reason this works well is because light permaetres much brighter from the ceiling.


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