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มกราคม 2550
29 มกราคม 2550
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Deicide: When Satan Lives...

What: Gamma Ray Live in Sydney
Where: The Gaelic Club, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
When: 14/12/2006
Photos: Metallurgist

Dead and gone, you and the hatred,
Ignorance, is searing in failure...
What is what, will always be questioned,
You're the one who lives in deception...

Bow to a god I will never want,
Look him in the face as I taste his blood..
Fall to my knees and forget myself..
Forever and ever and never I will
Rot with disgust and no dignity...
Enemy of me you will always be...
Fall to your dead and except the fact...
The stench of redemption there's no coming back...

Curse the plight and all explanation....
Jesus Christ foreboding impatience,
Step aside, and fall from your grace man
God the son, lost in temptation

Never will you rise from the flames of death...
Dying as you bleed and the your lies confessed..
Elements untie at the end you see...
Unbridled revenge in my heart unto thee...
In an endless sea of divine regret..
Living in the past with the words you said...
Anger disbelief will convince the soul...
The stench of redemption, you're dead to this world...

Dead and gone, you and the hatred,
Ignorance, is searing in failure...
What is what, will always be questioned,
You're the one who lives in deception...

Bow to a god I will never want,
Look him in the face as I taste his blood..
Fall to my knees and forget myself..
Forever and ever and never I will
Rot with disgust and no dignity...
Enemy of me you will always be...
Fall to your dead and except the fact...
The Stench of redemption there's no coming back...

Create Date : 29 มกราคม 2550
Last Update : 7 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 23:26:55 น. 1 comments
Counter : 906 Pageviews.

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โดย: saak12 IP: วันที่: 30 มกราคม 2550 เวลา:11:38:07 น.  

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