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16 กุมภาพันธ์ 2552
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My 7th week of my master degree in Korea( Wow! Spring's coming )ตื่นเต้นจังเริ่มต้นฤดูใบไม้ผลิ

..Oh!!! It's now my 7 th week of my study in Korea??? I cann't believe because I feel I have been living here for 5 0r 6 months.

...I had really hard week. It was realy really terrible for my study here as I have no background of these fields before.

...I got so many Mid-term exams. I could say that eaxam made me like crazy. I couldn't sleep and felt so difficult.

...One night I got bad news from my family. I was like abnormal person immediatly.I didn't know wheter I would cry or any other feelings. I finallly cried with myself for 1 hour. After finish crying, I felt I wanted to go home without taking my dream of Master Degree back.

...This time, I found out some truth that sometimes we donn't know our real feeling what we want in life . I tried to finish my take home exam and run my daily life here with so difficulty.

...After the horror week passed, I felt better eventhough I still have one more exam. next week.
I hope to not to worry about that because it makes me more stressed.I promised myself that I would do my best and if I couldn't do well.Then I would accept what I had done.

...My school took international students for sight seeing before the horror week. We were taken to The traditional village. it took an hour and a half to get there by drving.

...I was here once in the same period of winter. This time,I found a little difference here.

...I saw the traditional wedding cerremony show, farmer dancing show and acrobatic show. Here 's called " Min Sok Chon "in Korean. If you 's like to know Korean traditional living, just came here. You would know all things.

...After, finishing the trip, we arrived dorm. and had a rest. We went out to Itaewon area for spending time on walks.

...We went to Russian bar and had some drinks and danced. It was fun and I felt more comfortable. But we came back dorm. too late night.

...Next day at the evenining I was persueded to go out for shopping again. there was no doubt I spent my money again.

...All students were assinged to attend a special lecture in the school yestrday.
...The title of the lecture was " Korean Culture " . I thought I loved to know more of Korean Culture.

...In the lecture, he described many things about Korean Culture . He was really expert of culture. I felt that evethough he was Korean but he frankly criticised his own culture to students. It made me know more of Korean People here.

...The main charactors of them are competent, aggressive, tough, hard working, strong, resistant, coarse, drude, rough, unrefined, untidy, creative, emotional, hot tempered, easily aroused, sensitive, artistic, indulgent, impulsive, hard drinking, like singing, kind and hospitable.

...I agreed with some of these characters but only one thing that I wonder is romantic..5555 because Korean movies try to show some romantic of people but indeed and as my experiences I 've never found any Korean is romantic. It's strange.

...I will criticize more about Korean next time. I will not talkk too much now cuz I have many pics. to upload for this week.

...I hope u will enjoy my pics. here.Let's see them.!!!!

We all international students.

With Kae, Thai friend.

We were ready to go now.

The Entrance of Min Sok Chon, Ha ( Virtnamese ) and Chadue ( Egyptian).

In the Village.( Van, Kae, Me, Ha )

Farmer dancing show.

Korean Tradition Folk game called Null -ttuigi.

Golden pigs at the front of Village.

Future Board of one Korean movie. Shooting spot is here.

Making a wish here. My wish is isolated one.
What did I make for my wish ??? Sh!!!!
Anyway, I will let u know when it comes true.555

With Hythum, Egyptian friend.

With Ha Jung Ma.( Ha Jung Ma is the word to call Korean old or senior lady )

With Mr. Yoo, school staff.

With Ms. Park, School staff.

I wanted to stay in this house alone.

Korean Traditional stove.

Oops!!! bad smelling ??? Noo! I was kidding.

Korean Traditional Wedding Ceremony.

The Bride 's gone in to that carriage.

Factory of jars.

Korean Traditional Blacksmith.

Giant Swing...At that time I wished it could swing me the farest till reaching my home.

Spring flowers.

It's lonely among brown trees.

At that time I hoped this bridge could lead me to my success.

Traditional pavillion near river.

This river is no return, as my life I look back but never turn back to it.

Smiling with lonely winter. I feel peacfully and calmly.

End of Village.

Flowers shop at subway station.

I was in Subway.

Too high steps.

With roommate, at Skin Food shop.

My favourite Actor. Bae Yong Joon

He's Ji Jin Hee( Dae Jang Guem Series Actor).

Rain Mania, only with pic is ok.

Spring flower at the walk way to the school.

The phenomenon of Spring.

She's blooming.

Pinky 's showing up her body.

Yellow 's coming in a troop.

Have a good time. C YA

Create Date : 16 กุมภาพันธ์ 2552
Last Update : 19 ตุลาคม 2552 14:51:16 น. 0 comments
Counter : 589 Pageviews.

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