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How do I begin it
Are there words to sing it
You were more than love could be
On and on again
You said forever
On and on again

You left me behind
I can't think about you
Or live my life without you
There was so much left to see
On and on again
You said forever
On and on again

You left me behind
Tears begin to fall I'm crying over you
Just like a lonely fool
Oh my tears begin to fall
Time and again
Because I'm here without you

Everyday I borrow
Tears from my tomorrow
Every hope a broken dream
As memories come back to haunt me
Oh how I wish that you were here again

Tears begin to fall
I'm crying over you
Just like a lonely fool
Oh my tears begin to fall
Time and again
Because I'm here without you

Tears begin to fall
I'm crying over you
Just like a lonely fool
Oh my tears begin to fall
Time and again
Because I'm here without you
Time and again
Because I'm here without you

By The PJ Grand Band

Our relationship came to an end when I received a message from one girl.

She revealed that my former love and her began their new relationship behind my back and she was expecting his baby.

In a word, she asked me not to let him contact me anymore for the sake of a soon-born baby.

At that moment, the world seemed to collapse in front of me and there was no pain but only numbness.

Worse, the story was then remorsefully admitted by him and he apologised for the happening.

It was like I was struck by a thunder and went unconscious.

His deception was hard to take and the relationship could not survive with no trust.

I was fiercely hurt and very confused. And, in the beginning I refused to believe and accept that his betrayal happened.

Time goes by, I then realise the fact that a human is far from perfect, so a fault can be made by every person no matter what.

If I want to free myself from the hurt, the first step is to forgive and forget, in which it seems to be one of the most difficult things to do.

However, I know that it will not help to remedy me if the rant and range still exists.

More importantly, I do not want to make him feel guilty inmost for the rest of his life.

Good memories will be kept forever and I hope one day our friendship can be established.

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Create Date : 09 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554
Last Update : 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 2:29:16 ¹.
Counter : 1085 Pageviews.


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â´Â: 2hackbestforyou 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 1:04:42 ¹.  


àÃ×èͧẺ¹Õé à¨çº»Ç´¨Ñ§¤èÐ


â´Â: ÊÑ­­ÒÅÁ»Ò¡ 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 7:08:42 ¹.  




â´Â: wheel of forture IP: 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 7:12:57 ¹.  


ÁѹàÇÕ¹ÁÒáÅéÇ¡ç¨ÐËÒÂä» ÊÙé æ ¤èÐ ^^


â´Â: Paulo 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 8:12:27 ¹.  


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â´Â: Nong IP: 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 8:16:37 ¹.  


With your inner strength,
I wish you survive this bitter ordeal and look forward to brighter sky after the stormy day.


â´Â: sleepless night IP: 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 11:57:07 ¹.  


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â´Â: @Barossa IP: 9 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 16:50:08 ¹.  


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â´Â: RattaRose 11 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 19:33:36 ¹.  

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