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ธันวาคม 2548
12 ธันวาคม 2548
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what's the rush?

"The odd thing was that, no matter how much time he saved, he never had any to spare; in some mysterious way, it simply vanished."

Michael Ende

how many times have you ever said "I don't have enough time."? Have you ever actually take time to think about the meaning of that sentence? Ofcause when you say that you don't exactly refer to 'time'(Which by the way, i don't really know what it is.).

"It's such a waste of time." is another sentence people usually say.
well, to really think about it, nomatter what you do, the time you've spend is all the same. you can never gain or lose time.

People usually think they have to rush because they don't want to waste their precious time. They schedule everything and left no free time because, well, that would be a waste of time.
sitting around is a waste of time
lying on the bed is a waste of time
looking at the sky is a waste of time

what's the rush? maybe they don't realize that the only way to actually apreciate time is to slowdown and, take your time to feel it. Feel the touch of the wind. Feel the rise of the Sun. Don't see ot think, just feel. Feel the heartbeat of the earth.

Maybe then you will understand just a little more, about time.

Create Date : 12 ธันวาคม 2548
Last Update : 12 ธันวาคม 2548 12:59:02 น. 0 comments
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