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มีนาคม 2549
9 มีนาคม 2549
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why can't you understand

I told you that i don't lie
? so what is it that you don't understand?
If you can't believe me then that's your problem
I won't force you to believe me
so so force me to say something that is not true

if that's all
you can't believe
then there's nothing more to say..

people seem to misunderstood me
i just have a high level of curiosity
about nature, not about other people
that's just how i am
never once pretend to be what i don't
so no matter what i say i really mean it
don't try to analyse it
the meaning is exactly as you see

so hard to believe?
that someone can just be honest
and don't pretend ...
how sad is that?
that's why i swear i won't pretend
evenif i will have to be alone
better than being in an illusion world
fake smile...

i dont wanna be a part of that world
that's all i can tell you
believe me or not that's your problem

Create Date : 09 มีนาคม 2549
Last Update : 9 มีนาคม 2549 5:12:27 น. 0 comments
Counter : 212 Pageviews.

Location :
OH United States

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