Dream Hut for you and your gang!
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++ Welcome to my DreamHut ++

Everyone has a dream. Like me, I have a dream of traveling around the world because I like meeting new friends, embracing new culture, and learning new languages.

I discovered some websites about traveling around the world. Most of them showed the stories of those who traveled alone. It was such a wonderful and interesting adventure, which strongly inspired me.

Now, I realize that this is not an impossible dream. Therefore, I have created this worm & lovely hut just because I wanna make it as my first step of my journey.

Dream hut is a house for sharing dreams. I hope it could be a best place for everyone who love traveling and have a dream.


Create Date : 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550    
Last Update : 21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 4:05:32 น.
Counter : 809 Pageviews.  

* เทมมี่จัง *
Location :
กรุงเทพฯ Thailand

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ผู้ติดตามบล็อก : 1 คน [?]

I was once as a lost person in those cruel world. I just want to close those chapters of the unpresent memories. That's why...I decided to be away from home, hoping that the new environments, new societies and new cultures here can help me find my way to the place where I belong...

Do you believe in destiny? I do !!
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