พฤศจิกายน 2554
12 พฤศจิกายน 2554

$#$Best Buy Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark

This is Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark product page made for leading anyone who looking for where to Buy Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark with the best price or discount in USA. You can be sure this is the best offer and great deal. Cause we have researched the best from numerous online retailers and provide the most special offer : Buy Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark for you. Buy Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark . With Best Price Guaranteed . Big Save With Free Super Fast Shipping. To Avoid Your Disappointment Order Buy Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark . Today. Order with Discount And Lowest Price by Most Special Offer below.

Buy Best Price Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark , Shopping Online @ Best Price Today!

Real Review by a Real User: Read This First (UPDATED)

We have the shark, and first of all, let me say that virtually everybody's first reaction upon seeing it is to yell out a four-letter word! If you want to get a good idea of what it looks like and how it flies, look up Airswimmers on the web and watch the videos. They are also on YouTube. It looks and flies just like the videos.

This toy does not work outside, because there are too many air currents and the IR remote gets overpowered by the sun. It does not work in small apartments or small rooms, because it is too darn big. You need a decent sized house, with high ceilings, or an auditorium, church or basketball court to use this. Make sure there are no fans running. And it's a bit too delicate for little kids!

Wow, it really flies! You move forward by flapping the tail back and forth. You steer by flapping more left or more right. You climb and dive with a separate button that tips the shark up or down. With a bit of practice, you can steer wherever you want. Unlike many flying toys, this one really works.

You need to be somewhat adept at assembling delicate things to build this from the kit. There is a detailed video available that shows every step that is a bit easier to follow than the instructions-the video is highly recommended. The link is given in the instructions, or just search for airswimmers on the web. In any case, take your time, and make sure you have a second person to help.

Any store that sells helium balloons can fill this for you. It stays inflated for a long time, then the store can top it off. I bought a tank of helium for this, and my guess is I have a lot of refills remaining. It hasn't deflated appreciably since we got it. The good news is, you use putty (included) to adjust for the amount of helium remaining (neutral buoyancy), so you won't have to refill often.

Like many of you, when we saw this, we had to have it. I assembled it carefully, and it works. We're planning a trip to the community center with a two-story lobby to amaze some of my daughter's friends. It's fun, albeit a bit expensive with the currently inflated prices. Once some more of them make it into the country and the price comes down, expect to see more of them.

It's fun, a bit delicate, it works as advertised. Enjoy!

UPDATE: We've had the shark for three weeks. We surprise guests with it every time new folks come over. It still works great, but we've had to top off the helium twice. The directions say you can top off with air, but this results in too much loss in buoyancy. So be prepared to refill once every 10 days or so. You can do this anywhere they sell helium balloons, or buy a helium tank. This is not unreasonable, given that the shark is essentially a mylar helium balloon.

Create Date : 12 พฤศจิกายน 2554
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