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The cartoon between one artist and his artwork . . . find meaning of itself.
Learn to be proud of themselves in the middle degree
Empower ourselves when we feel . . . " i am no one " " i have no one " " i have no name "

MADE BY ORDER -50.- each

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i have no name
This is a story of one artist
One color; he missed on his leaf
After seven colors were painted, he went to sleep
Left one leaf alone with no color

This is a story of one no color leaf
While everyone sleeps she’s pleased as a dreamer
“My master will paint me a color but what flower I want to be?”

Then she looks around see friends riched of colors
Why master over look only me
Violet said “tomorrow you will see you are the key of everyone”

What did violet mean?
Am I between last step of this creation?
Will I be like you guys when I’m done
Have a definition of cool and calm

“YES” answer; indigo and blue
You are a clue of any charm
“Really! I can’t wait for that time
He’ll put me in his palm make me as star

But smart green make my dream gone
He looks down on then laugh ha..ha..ha
“Don’t dream too far I’ve never seen star look like you”

His word run my tear I can’t hear what?..i am who?
Bright yellow make joke offer me glue
Why I need that UHU? What’s wrong with you? Or me?

“Nothing’s wrong with you, just a small hole
This feeling I know” sweet orange point wound on her knee
It happened when I want to be free
Dropped from Rubber tree became a cripple

But cripple’s look pity I’m look funny
I want to be pretty as those tones; blue red yellow
They all together make a show
I see a rainbow when hot red step in

I feel double triple low
I’m no one..no color..plus scar on skin
Or this is a hinge
I’ll be in bin when tomorrow come

Then the next morning in my master holding, I’m feeling numb
Shaky ask “Did you forget me some” I hum “why I have no color as others”

No reply style artist just twist me along with those seven colors
I look round step by step of my master
He’s filling all of his pictures by me…why?

He replies “ hot as red may against with green
But you could been along with any color of mine
This is the key that I hind
And don’t be shy your scar aren’t rejected

Because I don’t do painting from plastic
I’ll fix you for strong not for perfect
You’re look natural don’t you get!
Well! Please select what name should this story be? ”


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Create Date : 05 ÁԶعÒ¹ 2549    
Last Update : 18 ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹ 2559 16:14:35 ¹.
Counter : 512 Pageviews.  

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