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Thank you. I give thanks to God every single day for providing me with a healthy meal, a roof over my head and loving friends/family. Today Wooddyy and I went to a local shelter in Bangkok and gave snacks to the homeless that were there. It's amazing what the owner of this truck does every single Monday- from the donations he receives he prepares food every Monday night to give to ALL of the homeless people who show up that evening. Now that's giving back! Having been in this situation myself I want to say to all of you struggling: don't give up. There is always a way, have faith in yourself and do it! I know it's hard but it's not impossible.
Create Date :27 พฤศจิกายน 2558 Last Update :27 พฤศจิกายน 2558 0:21:31 น. Counter : 1020 Pageviews. Comments :0