Mail from my Israeli friend.
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Dear friends all over the World,

my dear friend Omri from Israel asked me to share with all of you his email and this "The other side of the story" - as I named it!
Here it is for you.

I only ask you all to pray for PEACE everywhere and remind in your prayers also all those innocent victims who suffer in Israel, Gaza and also in EVERY war!
Let us all be "good angels of peace" in 2009!

I and my family wish you all peaceful, blessed and happy New Year 2009!

with love to all,
Simona and Strnads

Best Regards,
Simona Strnad with family

ขออนุญาตเซนเซอร์ อีเมล์เต็มๆ ของทั้งสองฝ่ายนี้นะคะ
ป่านนี้เมล์บ๊อกซ์ของเขาจะเต็มแล้วมั้ง ...ฮา

--- On Wed, 12/31/08, Omri Glaser wrote:

From: Omri Glaser
Subject: Hi simona!
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 10:47 PM
As you probably know, south Israel is in a war-like situation. Unfortunately, I see that most European networks, such ac BBC Uk, Sky and others don't really give an objective view of the situation.
So, I wanted tom make it clear, and please tell it also to anyone who thinks otherwise:

Israel does NOT occupy the Gaza strip. 3 years ago, we took out all of our soldiers, all of our forces out of there. We even took out, by force, Israelis, Jewish, who lived in what is called 'illegal settlements'. It was extremely difficult for everybody, to take out, with force, our own brothers. That was 3 years ago. Since then, we have not even a single man there.

We left Gaza in order to let the palestinians live their own life, they have their own regime, police etc. Unfortunately, those who rule there are Hamas, which is a pretty radical islamic movement. they are guided and supported mostly by the extreme forces in the Middle East - Syria, Iran and Hizballa.

They are also not liked by many of the Palestinians, and by some Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.But, they have the power, and they have the police, and they rule by terror in Gaza (there have been many incident inside gaza, between Hamas and Ashaf - the previous movement in regime).

So, what is our problem with Hamas?the fact that thay fire rockets and shells at us, for no reason (since we no longer occupy Gaza!)
Let me give you some numbers (published today):

year 2006: - 1722 rockets and shells launched from Gaza to Israel.
year 2007 - 1276.
year 2008 - more than 2000 rockets.some of those rockets are home-made.

some of them are versions of rockets with dozens of kilograms of explosives, and some of them are improved - they stick nails into it, to make it even more fethal.

Those attacks are aimed at citizens, and citizens only. Right now, there are more than a million Israelis who don't go to school, work, shopping, resturants or anything else, that every single man on earth has the right for.They can't go, because they have to stay in shelters, so they won't get hurt.

otherwise, they have between 10 seconds and 1 minute, to get to a shelter if there is an alarm. In the video attached, you can see one lucky man from Ashkelon, who can only thank god for what happened today.I know there are also casualties on the other side. And yes, many. That is what those Tv networks like to show you - it gives them much more rating than showing 250,000 israeli children who live in fear. in some places, like Sderot- this is the situation for almost 7 years!!

Our army, the IDF, does extraordinary effort to avoid hurting innocents. I know that, also because of my service in the army - it's not just something we say. We do it. But, when rockets are fired from a house - we must take it down. We do everything we can not to hurt innocents - we even CALL to their cell phone and tell them to get out, before we strike. but Hamas terrorists hide in mosques, in neigbourhoods, and even in hospitals.

So unfortunately, sometimes innocent people also get hurt. We do not attack a place just becuse we like to. We do it only for a reason-it is a firing post, rocket warehouse etc. From about 400 casualties since this operation began, about 250 are surely Hamas people.

2 years ago, it was the same in North Israel. In haifa, my city, hundreds of rockets fell during one month. Then, it was Hizballa. Here it's quiet, but I know how they live now, there in the south, 200 km from here. It ain't fun.

All we want is peace. Every Israeli want it more than anything else. But for peace, we need a partner from the other side. All the agreements in the peace progress, since 1992, where kept by Israel (Oslo agreement, Camp David and others). Unfortunately, eace time it was broken by the other side.

So please, explain all this to anyone you know. you can forward it if you want. I wish, next year will be better. Unfortunately, I don't believe in it. Still, I wish. In another 365 days, I want to write you that peace has arrived.

The link to the video:
// care,
and miss you,

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