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It’s easy to look on the bright side

Of things when all is going well.

When the smiles outweigh the frowns

And the sunshine is streaming in the window

But the happiest people are the ones

Who can say when all going wrong,

When the clouds get in the way,

That a little un happiness

Must balance the joys,

And that a bit of sadness

Has its place in the world, too for they

Know, these special people

Of the balance of natures ways.

They know that nothing grows

Where the sun always shines,

And that gray skies and rain

Can be an un regrettable sign of the day

For these fortunate people,

Their favorite season

Is always the one they are in,

And day continue to look on the bright side,

Knowing that the sunshine

Might leave for awhile,

But that it will never be goneong.

- Jamie Delere-

Create Date :19 มกราคม 2553 Last Update :19 มกราคม 2553 0:24:54 น. Counter : Pageviews. Comments :1