me on truth
i was answering a kratoo about "คุณชอบวิชาอะไรในปรัชญาที่สด" and i came up with this answer.


the more u study philosophy the more depressing everything is.

metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and so on does not give you any answers.

before i studied philosophy, i had a faint idea of what i 'believed' was the 'truth'. ironically, i took philosophy so that this little 'truth' was to be falsified. alas, it was not.

and this little 'truth' was that juxtaposed with the unfathomable infinity of everything, we are but blind pilgrims searching for a world which is beyond our reach. we try so hard to find at least one indubitable truth, but the harder we struggle, the more elusive our goal becomes.

luckily, we are most fortunate that we come equipped with forgetfulness. for as soon as the despair and angst of our existence grab hold of us, we can quickly reassure ourself--albeit in denial--of our relative 'reality'. at least, we say to ourself, patronisingly, that we am sitting here, touching the mouse, reading this senseless post. ah, what great mechanisms we mere mortals are equipped with.

so here i say: down with truth! down with ethics! down with science! but at least live your life--do drugs, get laid, talk trash, whatever--for we are fortunate enough that we think therefore we are.

it is with this sad realisation that i have turned my back against all that is absolute, but at the same time i condemn anyone who tries to push any sense of false morality or principles that are grounded on the same fleeting uncertainty upon others who have the same rights--borne out of our collective ignorance--to lead a life that is equally meaningful whether you are a priest or a prostitue. the individual 'rights' here is not from any sort of logical premise, but for the plain fact that we are equally ignorant of what is right or wrong or true or false no one has enough conviction to judge others.

and this is what i truly feel

Create Date : 04 มิถุนายน 2548
Last Update : 4 มิถุนายน 2548 19:25:22 น.
Counter : 566 Pageviews.

สวัสดีปีใหม่ ๒๕๖๗ มาช้ายังดีกว่าไม่มา
(2 ม.ค. 2567 07:30:30 น.)
อุ้มสีมาทำบุญ ๙ วัด ในวันขึ้นปีใหม่ที่จ.อุบลราชธานี อุ้มสี
(3 ม.ค. 2567 19:10:02 น.)
ทนายอ้วนจัดดอกไม้ - จัดดอกไม้ง่ายๆ – แจกันสวัสดีปีใหม่ 2567 - กุหลาบพวงสีชมพู - ขาว ทนายอ้วน
(2 ม.ค. 2567 15:16:32 น.)
ทนายอ้วนจัดดอกไม้ - จัดดอกไม้ง่ายๆ – แจกันสวัสดีปีใหม่ 2567 - กุหลาบพวงสีชมพู - ขาว ทนายอ้วน
(2 ม.ค. 2567 15:16:32 น.)
what an interesting blog~
and what a surprise to see me on your friend's list!!

Sorry I'm not ready to talk about philosophy at the mo....
"we are fortunate enough that we think therefore we are"
On the other hand we are sometime lucky enough that we don't have to think therefore we are (or are not)... (- ->think about the drunken days =p)

Cheers for adding me. Please do leave comments when you visit mine ka'
โดย: The strange bump (Le Petit Panx ) วันที่: 4 มิถุนายน 2548 เวลา:22:10:30 น.
โดย: ภาษาปะกิต คมคายนัก IP: วันที่: 3 กรกฎาคม 2548 เวลา:2:59:22 น.
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