Last night, it was 2:30 am, I was lying into my bed listening to the radio. There was a romantic love song playing, it is a song I always love to hear because it could touch my feeling every time I hear it. That time while my feeling and the song were being mingled, suddenly, the message alert from my cell beeped up, the sender's name was someone I'm so acquainted.
That was what the message shows.
Thus, last night was such a sweet night for me. It was just a tiny thing. But I fell asleep and crossed the night with my delightful heart!!!
Don't look over every little thing if you care to make people around you happy. ........Little but meaningful!!!...........
ชื่อสมาชิก พี่ติ๊กพิมพ์ผิดง่ะ
ต้องชื่อนี้นะ *..Dora_Mashi..*
พี่ติ๊กมีเติม ' ต่อท้าย มันเลยไม่พบชื่อไง