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SmileySmiley1. ¹éͧ·ÃÒ (sandmos)

SmileySmiley2. ¹éͧ¹Ô¤ (nik_neran)

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Create Date : 13 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2551
Last Update : 19 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2551 9:39:01 ¹. 3 comments
Counter : 631 Pageviews.


hi to both of yaa..

â´Â: Cheria (SwantiJareeCheri ) Çѹ·Õè: 13 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2551 àÇÅÒ:10:15:01 ¹.  

à¢éÒÁÒÍèÒ¹áÅéǹФР¤ÇÒÁËÁÒ´շ¡ÃÙ»àŤèÐ ÃÙé¨Ñ¡¾ÕèµØê¡ÁÒ¡¢Öé¹´éÇÂ

â´Â: Kookai (ºØ˧Òá»é§ÅèÓ ) Çѹ·Õè: 18 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2551 àÇÅÒ:21:01:52 ¹.  

¾ÕèµØ꡹Ԥà¾Ôè§à¢éÒÁÒÍèÒ¹ ¢Íº¤Ø³¹Ð¤Ð·Õèáºè§»Ñ¹¡Ñ¹ ÍèÒ¹áÅéÇÃÙéÊÖ¡´Õ¨Ñ§àŤèÐ ¹èÒÃÑ¡´Õææ ¢ÍãËé¾ÕèµØê¡ÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÊØ¢¹Ð¤Ð

â´Â: nik_neran Çѹ·Õè: 22 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2551 àÇÅÒ:6:57:31 ¹.  

ª×èÍ :
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[´Ù Profile ·Ñé§ËÁ´]

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¼ÙéµÔ´µÒÁºÅçÍ¡ : 1 ¤¹ [?]

SmileySmileyAbout Me.SmileySmiley

I am a lady who is very happy with life because I have a good man to be my husband and I also have a good daughter who is very cute in my eyes and is a good learner. I am trying to teach her how to do good in life. It has taken to long for me and my husband to find each other and it is still taking to long for us to be together but we never leave each other, we stand beside each other all the time. In my eyes he is a good man. I love both of them.

SmileyAbout My Husband.Smiley

I am a man who knows he is lucky to of found a wonderful woman like the woman i am married to .She is smart, beautiful and forever understanding. Even though the miles seperate us she is alway's in my heart and thoughts.I am awaiting the day the goverment gives her a visa so she can come to be with me and we can build our future and life together more so then now. We have already started a family with a good daughter who is just as cute and smart as her mother and she makes a father proud. I love my family they make a man happy with life!!  

SmileySmileyAbout My daughter.SmileySmiley

she is 9 years old. She is a good girl. SHe like to smile and she also like to help to do the house work. She is number 2 in her school class. SHe want to be number 1 she can not even though she not #1 she still do her best and I am proud of her  It not matter to me. It matter to me that is her be a good girl and in the furture she would be a good person and can do the right things, can take care of her own. 

I will stay here and waiting for you.

No matter how long it take.

I will alway's waiting for you.

I will always's hope, the day we could be together come as soon as it could be.

We will be together forever and ever.

No matter where I go or where I live.

as long as you stay and living here with me.


That all that matter.

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