Love is a magic word!!

มีนาคม 2551
10 มีนาคม 2551

The Real Reason you're "Single" on V-Day

Don't have any date on V-day?? May be u're taking the wrong turn on the love path and here are the way to find you way back!!!

Wrong Turn: You're not going out too often!!

Remember that Prince Charmings don't just jump out of the blue. You've got to put yourself out there for Mr.Right to come along because serching for real-life love involves a lot of work.

Back on track Tip:

It's easy to say, "Go out and meet people" but how can a working gal like you squeeze time out of your busy sked?? You may just meet the right person on the job. It's imperative to always be prepared because you neer know when or where you'll meet someone. Wear clothes that make you feel attractive and plan ahead for an interesting conversation.

Wrong Turn: You don't know what you want!!

Are you always end up with the wrong guy?? Even if you can't do anything about that "fatal" attraction, at least you'll know what drives you close to a guy. Awareness is the key.

Back on track tip:

A recent survey shows that 72% of relationships fail because people don't really know what they're looking for. So, decide on what you want. Then, compromise. On a priority pile of top 10 things, if a guy's look is of utmost importance to you, compromise on his money.There's no perfect guy out there. Even if you get seven out of 10 ideal traits in a guy, you've hit jackpot.

Wrong turn: You come on too strong!!

Are you the one who shows her neediness to be with someone?? It's perfectly alright to be forthright but don't push it. If you like a guy, give him your number but don't call him yourself. Dating need guerilla tactics and you need to perfect those.

Back on track tip:

During the first few months of dating, learn to refuse a couple of evenings with him on the pretext of meeting friends. (Gosh!! i've never said "no" eieiei) Not only will that let him know that you're a busy gal with a life of your own, but it will also leave him with a pang of desire.
As for the self-esteem it, you just need to give out more positive, sunshin-y vibes to get some of those flowing in your direction.

I promise you won't have to be alone on next V day ..eieiieei

Create Date : 10 มีนาคม 2551
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