As soon as the girls arrived at Nan Ying Tan San they were greeted by the press (who has been following them around wherever they go) and a large number of local residents, who were all very excited to receive this unusual visit in their rural hometown.  They all wanted to get a closer look of the beauties and if they were lucky even have their picture taken with them.

Their journey started by crossing a river in a very rustic bamboo draft.  Once on the other side the contestants started to climb their way up to a Buddhist Temple located at the top of the mountain. On their way up, the girls made a few stops to enjoy the amazing scenery,  to have their picture taken next to a beautiful waterfall,  and in some cases just to take a small break and take some air before continuing their way up.  It was a pretty tough climb but all of them finally made it to the top!  (thumbs up to all the Misses for being such good sports!).

After such a rough and tiring expedition, and considering that the girls have been eating exclusively traditional Chinese meals since their arrival, the organizers of MTQI decided to surprise the girls and they brought KFC lunch for them!  Once lunch was over it was time to continue the journey, this time to a second mountain where they visited a Taoist Temple.

Now it was time to get back down where the buses where waiting, and they were all thrilled to find out that instead of having to climb down the mountain, this time they would be taking a cable car!

After a 90 minute ride back to the Hotel in Pingayng and a very long but exciting day, the contestants enjoyed a nice warm dinner and then headed to bed to get some rest.  Tomorrow is another day and new adventures await!

GB photos and report by correspondent Rami Aizenman