มกราคม 2551
9 มกราคม 2551


1. Ask for what you want, but be willing to take what God gives you. It may be better than what you ask for.

2. Sing at least one song every day.

3. To settle for self-limitation is to lock yourself up within yourself and therefore to deny to yourself the God - given opportunity for growth.

4. Realize you are greater than you've ever considered yourself to be.

5. Do not always ask when you pray, but instead affirm that God's blessings are being given, and spend most of your prayers giving thanks.

6. Success requires a humble yet real sense of adequacy, a normal sense of self-respect, and with it the conviction that you can accomplish what you want to do.

7. Don't take tomorrow to bed with you.

8. Do an unexpected favor for someone and note the look of happy surprise in his eyes. This will fill you with joy.

9. Every morning before arising, lierelaxed in bed and deliberately drop happy thoughts into your conscious mind.

10. The power of words to change your life comes to top helpfulness in the seven magic words: "I can do all things through God."

11. Set yourself a goal that you've just got to reach. Then build under it the fire of anticipation and keep it burning. That goal will keep beckoning. And when you reach your goalstill new goals will succeed it. These are the self-perpetuating motivators of enthusiasm.

12. Take change of your thoughts in stead of allowing them to control you.

13.Take pleasure in the pattern of the sunlight falling through the trees or the sound of the crunch of snow under your foot. Relish these things which are the essense of life and they will make your heart sing within you.

14. You can reach your goal, your best dreams can come true, you can get where you want to go only if you know what your goal is.

15. Do kindly things for people, for nothing can so completely erase gloom and create new vigor as the practice of caring and goodwill.

16. Enthusiasm is a word meaning full of God. So to have enthusiasm fill your mind full of God.

17. The creator built energy into you and me when we were babies. He implanted in us the life force, and true faith can keep this life force alive.

18. Always you can go higher, for within yourself you are greater than you think.

19. Go out today with the thought that an inner light is shining out of you. People will notice and comment, "What an attractive personality."

20. A maj0r key to success is to throw all there is of yourself into your job or any project. Whatever you are doing, give it all you've got.

21. Practice the positive principle - the principle of the possible. "If ye have faith...nothing shall be impossible unto you."(Matthew 17:20)

22. The formula which will bring your cherished wish to pass is to know what you want, test it to see if it is a right thing, change yourself in such a manner that it will naturally come to you, and always have faith.

23. It isn't all-important what the condition of your bady is; the important factor is the condition of your mind and soul.

24. Old unhealthy thoughts can block off inspiration and motivation Dropping them releases a strong flow of power through the mind.

25. Act as if you had enthusiasm. Believe that you have it and you will be enthusiastic.

26. Select a few people to be particularly kind to today, those you were a little harsh with yesterday.

27.Never react emotionally to what happens but always look for and find in every circumstance the good that's surely present there.

28. Set aside a few minutes every day to say aloud such words as "exciting," "dynamic," "marvelous," "fabulous," "terrific."

29. Never think down - always think up.

30. Take the best into your mind and only that. Nuture it, concentrate on it, visualize it, prayerize it, surround it with faith. Make it your obsession. Spiritually creative mind power aided by God power will produce the best.

31. Know that there is no death, that all life is indivisible, that the here and hereafter are one, that time and eternity are inseparable, that this is one unobstructed universe. We are citizens of eternity.


Create Date : 09 มกราคม 2551
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