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กรกฏาคม 2550
16 กรกฏาคม 2550
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Everywhere I Go

"Katharine McPhee - Everywhere I Go"

It's funny how you think you really know yourself
Like you would never lose yourself to someone else
And I was up to thinking it was all about you and me
Silly silly me
I should have never listened to a word you said
But I was always giving in to promises
I never should have gone for
I should never long for you no matter how hard it gets
And I want this to be over
I so want this to be through
In the end somehow it always comes back to you

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

If you had only told me how you really felt
I could have put my feelings into someone else
But I was busy thinkin' I was where I was supposed to be
Silly silly me
But there was something 'bout you that I couldn't resist
Can't put my finger on it but whatever it is
I never should have stood for it
I know you're no good for me
And that's the way it is

And I want it to be over
I so want it to be through
In the end somehow it always comes back to you

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

I tell myself
Get over you
It's over right
Right thing to do
And just when I thought I was done
You pull me in for another run
I can't take this
I won't take this
I can't do this
I Won't do it
Even if I know in the end somehow it always comes back to you

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

Create Date : 16 กรกฎาคม 2550
Last Update : 25 สิงหาคม 2551 9:25:10 น. 2 comments
Counter : 520 Pageviews.


โดย: clip IP: วันที่: 16 กรกฎาคม 2550 เวลา:9:46:22 น.  


โดย: ยุ้ย ธัญญารัตน์ IP: วันที่: 1 กันยายน 2550 เวลา:15:16:48 น.  

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KrUmeOw; In the name of Kitten ConCerto

In the name of Kitten ConCerto
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ใช่เพราะเหงา เศร้า หรือสิ่งใด
.. .
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A Lover's Concerto (Kelly Chen)
* How gentle is the rain,
that falls softly on the meadow.
Birds high up on the trees,
serenade the clouds with their melodies.
* Repeat
* Oh! See there beyond the hill,
the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us,
just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms,
and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.
Now, I belong to you,
from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and
I'll give to you every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry,
through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me,
keep this day in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms,
and say once again you love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful

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