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3 OCT.2011 RA 402 BKK/KTM 1430-1630 Flight time3.15 Hrs.
3 OCT.2011 norling guesthouse ,kathmandu 26 USD incld.brf.
4 OCT.2011 norling guesthouse ,kathmandu 26 USD incld.brf.
5 OCT.2011 Buddha Air KTM/PKR 0930-1030 , 65 USD
5 OCT.2011 the northface inn , pokhara
6 OCT.2011 panoramic view guesthouse , saranggot 15 USD/person incld.dinner&bref
7 OCT.2011 Guna Air PKR/KTM 1530-1630 , 65 USD
7 OCT.2011 norling guesthouse, kathmandu 26 USD incld. brf.
8 OCT.2011 Guna Air, Mountain Flight 130 USD
8 OCT.2011 peaceful cottage , nagargot 30 USD
9 OCT.2011 norling guesthouse , kathmandu 26 USD incld. brf.
10 OCT.2011 RA 401 KTM/BKK 0930-1330 Flight time 3.30 Hrs.

Create Date : 20 ตุลาคม 2554
Last Update : 20 ตุลาคม 2554 16:16:19 น. 0 comments
Counter : 792 Pageviews.

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อุบลราชธานี Thailand

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