Whatever you're thinking about me, child like me stand by my 2 own feet!!! So, What ?!?!
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The end of the world

Why does the sun go on shining?

Why does the sea rush to shore? D

on't they know it's the end of the world,

`cause you don't love me anymore?

Why do the birds go on singing?

Why do the stars glow above?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when I lost your love.

I wake up in the morning and I wonder why ev'rything's the same as it was.

I can't understand, no I can't understand,

how life goes on the way it does!

Why does my heart go on beating?

Why do these eyes of mine cry?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when you said good-bye.


Create Date : 08 กรกฎาคม 2551    
Last Update : 8 กรกฎาคม 2551 16:43:51 น.
Counter : 213 Pageviews.  

Location :
Gothenburg Sweden

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a child from another earth

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