กันยายน 2562
18 กันยายน 2562

Are Steel Kit Homes Worth the Price?
Are Steel Kit Homes Worth the Price?

Choosing a steel kit home over a conventional home can do more than just save you money, they can also save your life.

Every since my early childhood, I have always had a fear of house fires. I have no knowledge, as to why, but it has always left me on edge, as well as being overly paranoid. I often check the statistics on house fires on the USFA website. I was astounded upon learning that between the years 1999 and 2008, there were an estimated 399,800 fires annually resulting in 2,995 civilian deaths and 14,6000 injuries each year. Those fires resulted in a $6,445 million average dollar loss. Although that price seems high, no one can put a price on a human life. Even though a portion of those losses was due to owner negligence such as smoking, candles, portable heaters, and lack of smoke detectors. The news of such high casualties are still tragic.

There isn't a night that goes by that I don't make sure all the unused cords around my house are unplugged, along with making sure the ones that are in use are securely plugged in. For, if not, it can cause a spark, and result in a fire. I have been doing this, from a very young age, and I find myself thinking. What happens when I get older, and I am unable to check everything? I will certainly worry myself to death. Suddenly, I came across the solution to my problems, Steel Kit Homes. I was excited when I read that they were fire resistant.

Although no home can be 100% fire proof, Steel Kit Homes can give you a peace of mind, in knowing that they have gone that extra mile to ensure the safety of others. Steel is not combustible, but it is collapsible, once the steel reaches temperatures exceeding 400 degrees, it loses its strength. However, in addition to being built with light gauge steel, many Companies that Manufacture Steel Kit Homes offer you the option to eliminate fire risks. For instance, you will be given the opportunity to choose the building materials that you want to use to build your home. Choosing to eliminate timber in the roof would be a wise decision, for, as soon as the roof catches fire, the burning rafters are going to fall into the spaces between the walls, producing an immense fire. บ้านมือสอง

A steel roof would be a much safer option to choose, and steel simply will not burn. In addition to this, a concrete floor slab would also be a wise choice, considering the space below the floor can be eliminated by building on a slab of concrete laid directly on the ground. Be aware these choices are sure to shoot the price up a bit. Nevertheless, I would pay whatever it took to ensure my family's safety, and just as I mentioned before. You can't put a dollar sign on a human life, especially if that life belongs to a loved one.

Create Date : 18 กันยายน 2562
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