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สิงหาคม 2552
2 สิงหาคม 2552
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My hero is "Al Bundy."

Al Bundy จากเรื่อง Married with Children
ซื้อสัตย์ต่อภรรยา เรียกได้ว่าเขาคือ โฮเมอร์ภาคมนุษย์
ทำทุกอย่างเพื่อลูก โดยไม่สนว่าจะเกิดผลกระทบอย่างไรต่อมนุษยชาติ

Quote ประทับใจ...(ยาวหน่อย)

You think I'm a loser?
Because I have a stinking job that I hate,
a family that doesn't respect me,
and a whole city that curses the day I was born?

Well, that may mean loser to you, but let me tell you something.
Every day when I wake up in the morning,
I know it's not going to get any better until I go back to sleep.
So I get up. I have my watered-down Tang and my still-frozen Pop Tart.
I get in my car with no gas, no upholstery, and six more payments.
I fight honking traffic just for the privilege of putting cheap shoes
onto the cloven hooves of people like you.

I'll never play football like I wanted to.
I'll never know the touch of a beautiful woman.
And I'll never know the joy of driving through the city without a bag over my head.

But I'm not a loser. Because, despite it all, me and every other guy
who'll never be what they wanted to be, is out there,
being what we don't want to be, forty hours a week, for life.

And the fact that I haven't put a gun in my mouth,
you pudding of a woman, makes me a winner!


Create Date : 02 สิงหาคม 2552
Last Update : 4 สิงหาคม 2552 22:05:10 น.
Counter : 863 Pageviews.

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กรุงเทพฯ Thailand

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