Little Man
** copy from

~ Little Man ~
You were six months old
And full of fun,
With a blink of my eye,
You suddenly were one !

There were so many things
We were going to do,
But I turned my head
And you turned two !

At two, you were very
Dependent on me,
But independence took over
When you turned three !

Your third birthday,
Another year I tried to ignore,
But when I lit the candles,
There weren't three...but four !

Four was the year
That you really strived,
Why, look at you now,
You're already five !

Now you are ready
For books and rules,
This is the year
That you go to school !

The big day came,
You were anxious to go,
We walked to the bus,
Going, oh so slow !

As you climbed aboard
And waved goodbye,
I felt a lump in my throat
And tears stung my eyes !

Time goes so fast,
It's hard to believe
That just yesterday you were home,
Here with me.

And tomorrow when the bus brings you home
And you jump to the ground,
You'll be wearing your cap
And graduation gown.

So I'm holding to these moments
As hard as I can,
Because the next time I look,
I'll be seeing a grown man !

Create Date : 05 ตุลาคม 2551
Last Update : 5 ตุลาคม 2551 20:56:27 น.
Counter : 460 Pageviews.

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เพลง ฉันรักเธอ
โดย ศรัณยา ส่งเสริมสวัสดิ์

นานแสนนาน ที่เราได้มาพบกัน
มันช่างทรมาน ทุกวันยังคงห่วงใยเหลือเกิน
อยากได้เจอ แม้เพียงได้มองหน้าเธอ
** ป่านนี้ อาจจะเหงาเพราะไกลแสนไกล
เพียงให้เธอมั่นใจ ฉันรักเธอ
ฝากรักไป ตามไปอยู่เคียงข้างกาย

Create Date : 03 ตุลาคม 2548
Last Update : 4 ตุลาคม 2548 17:01:24 น.
Counter : 540 Pageviews.

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Some parts of my favourite songs
1 *You don't know me*
You never know the one,
who dreams of you each night,
who wants to kiss your lips,
and longs to hold you tight.
To you I'm just a friend
That's all I've ever been
No, you don't know me
Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by
The chance that you might love me too.

2 *Some enchanted evening*
Some enchanted evening,
you may see a stranger
You may see a stranger across a crowded room.
And somehow you know, you know even then
that somewhere you'll see her (him) again and again
Some enchanted evening,
when you find your true love
When you feel her (him) call you across a crowded room
so run to her (his) side and make her (him) your own
Or all through your life, you may dream all alone.

Create Date : 30 สิงหาคม 2548
Last Update : 7 กันยายน 2548 10:48:30 น.
Counter : 382 Pageviews.

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Secrets of Love
* ไม่ได้แต่งเอง

LOVE is like an antique vase.
It's hard to find, hard to get, but easy to break.

A good relationship isn't about an ego trip or game playing. It is about love and two people.
Loving someone can give us the greatest joy we can ever know and it can hurt more than we can believe too.
That's the reward and that's the risk.
Unless we can willing to experience it, we will never really know what it's like to love and be loved.

Sharing love is probably the most valuable and meaningful experience a person can ever have.
And there's a difference between in love with someone and loving someone.
It's the difference between a love that's fickle, wild and short-lived and one that's tender and passionate, nurturing and last a long time.
The first is easy.
The second, the one that all of us matters, takes work.
Because it's about keeping a relationship,
loving someone takes efforts.
We have to be able to communicate with each other.
Nobody can read anyone else's mind.
We always presume that our partner knows what we think and feel.
Maybe in time we might be able to predict or sense each other's thoughts
but it's never perfect and takes time to develope.
Getting the chance to love and be loved by someone is blessed.

Respect him for who he is, and not what you want him to be.
Everyone is pretty and special in his own special way.
No one is perfect.

Relationship also needs commitments too.
What's love without commitments from each other anyway.
It's like principles and values.
Everyone has them but they only mean as much as we are willing to stand for them.
The same goes for our commitments to relationships, and the person we love.

Create Date : 30 สิงหาคม 2548
Last Update : 30 สิงหาคม 2548 16:56:56 น.
Counter : 390 Pageviews.

4 comment
* ไม่ได้แต่งเอง

I love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me.
I love you because you have done mor than any creed could have done to make me good,
and more than any fate could have done to make me happy.
You have done it without a touch,
without a word, without a sign.
You have done it by being yourself.
Perhaps that is what being a friend means, after all.

Create Date : 24 สิงหาคม 2548
Last Update : 30 พฤศจิกายน 2550 17:27:36 น.
Counter : 341 Pageviews.

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I need a hug too
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กรุงเทพ  Thailand

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The pix is not me. It's my sweet angel Park Shin Hye ^__^