how to heat hookah coals on glass stove

Hello fellow hookah enthusiasts! Today I'm sharing an incredibly easy and useful tip for heating hookah coals on a glass stove top, so you can easily enjoy hookah at home.

I know many hookah lovers have struggled with not having proper charcoal or electric coil to heat hookah coals. But don't worry, we can utilize the glass stove top in our kitchens to solve this problem!

With just a few simple steps, you can easily heat hookah coals on a glass stove top. The whole process is super quick, convenient, and safe. I use this little trick all the time and it really enhances my hookah experience. Once you learn it, I'm sure you'll completely ditch the traditional way of heating hookah coals too!

I've put together a detailed tutorial with clear illustrations that will ensure you can nail this creative glass stove top hookah coal heating method. Give it a try and make your hookah sessions more relaxed and enjoyable! If you love hookah, you definitely don't want to miss out on this tutorial!

Is using a glass top stove to light hookah coals safe?

 I know you may be worried about using your glass top stove to light hookah coals, but don't stress - with a few simple precautions, you can make this process perfectly safe.

First things first, make sure your glass stove top is clean and dry before lighting anything. This prevents high heat from igniting any food or liquid residue which could damage the glass. Next, evenly distribute the charcoal across the surface in a single layer, rather than stacking it too high. This stops the coals from tipping over and overheating one section of the glass.

Use a small wad of paper towels to gently light the charcoal. Once they start glowing, carefully corral them into a pile with metal tongs. Watch the coals closely the entire time - don't walk away. After 5-10 minutes, you'll be ready to place your hookah coals onto the hot charcoal to ignite them.

How to light coco nara coals on glass stove?

When it comes to lighting coals for hookah, Coco Naras are a top choice for their consistent heating and long-lasting burn. But getting them lit can be tricky, especially on glass stovetops that could get damaged. Not to worry - I'll walk you through my easy method for lighting up your Coco Naras safely on a glass stove.Of course you can also buy it on the Global-hookah website

The key things to remember are using a protective surface, keeping the stove power low, and giving the coals time to fully ignite. Make sure to check if your stove manufacturer allows this, as some do not recommend it. Okay, let's light up!

Start by placing a perforated aluminum foil sheet or electric stove top burner cover on the stovetop. This will protect the glass from direct contact with the coals. Next, turn your stove to the lowest heat setting. Stack 2-3 coals in a pile on the protective cover, then turn on the burner below.

Over the next 10-15 minutes, check back periodically and use metal tongs to rotate the coals. This allows all sides to ignite evenly. The low, gradual heat does the trick to get your coals burning perfectly, without risking any damage to the stove surface.

Create Date : 05 พฤษภาคม 2567
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