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Uploaded by on Mar 20, 2012

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Kung Fu Hustle is a 2004 Chinese action comedy film directed and produced by, and starring Stephen Chow. The other film producers were Chui Po-chu and Jeffrey Lau, while the screenplay was written by Huo Xin, Chan Man-keung, and Tsang Kan-cheung. Yuen Wah, Yuen Qiu, Danny Chan, and Bruce Leung co-starred in prominent roles.

Kung Fu Hustle is a co-production of the Beijing Film Studio and Hong Kong's Star Overseas. After the success of his 2001 film, Shaolin Soccer, Chow was approached in 2002 by Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia, offering to collaborate with him on a project. Chow accepted the offer, and the project eventually became Kung Fu Hustle. Major inspirations of the film came from the martial arts films Chow watched as a child and his childhood ambition to become a martial artist. A senior Hollywood executive said Chow was 'forced to grind through four successive scripts' and 'found it very laborious'.

Chow's first priority was to design the main location of the film, the Pig Sty Alley. He grew up in an environment similar to the Alley (i.e., Kowloon Walled City) and the plot included many aspects of his daily life. A 1973 Shaw Brothers Studio film, The House of 72 Tenants was another inspiration for the Pig Sty Alley. Designing of the Alley began in January 2003 and took four months to complete. Many of the props and furniture in the apartments were antiques from all over China.

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