เปลี่ยนบรรยากาศไปปั่นจักรยานกลางทุ่ง #Active recovery
     Anywhere in the world has potential to be a special place for one, it is you (or ME in this case) to go and find out. Isn't it? I think so. Going to Chiang Mai, Mae Rim to be specific, this time is on duty for me. My family has a house there but very rarely to visit, may be a few times a year. This time is necessary because tall grasses started to take over the trees around. So, that is my chance after we hire lawn mowers, no they are 'lawn care technicians', to take care of those tall grases. This route was drawn by myself without checking if the roads are all and well paved. Well, one reason was that I have a mountrain bike for today! Bigger tires, lower pressure mean more comfy, doesn't it? Sort of... Actually, I didn't mean to go off road by any mean but the GPS told me to do so. It was just 3-4 km, roughly about 10% of the distance, which was OK. Overall, it was a pleasure to ride there and checked out a new cafe, the facilities around the villages, people's life and so on.

วัดทรายมูล, แม่ริมใต้

วัดมณีประดิษฐ์, แม่ริมเหนือ

ฮิมสวน(ริมสวน) Coffee House, just opened for 8 months (I was told)

ตลาดนัดชาวบ้าน, Flea market opposites Suwannawat temple (Ban Dong)

Slow and recreational ride, I wouldn't do this often

Create Date : 27 ตุลาคม 2567
Last Update : 27 ตุลาคม 2567 17:49:13 น.
Counter : 382 Pageviews.

ถนนสายนี้...มีตะพาบ กม. 369 "แรงบันดาลใจ" กะริโตะคุง
(30 ม.ค. 2568 17:15:40 น.)
กางผลเลือดครั้งที่ 2 nonnoiGiwGiw
(29 ม.ค. 2568 14:32:49 น.)
ความสุขในทุกช่วงเวลาของชีวิต (*ノ▽ノ) nonnoiGiwGiw
(22 ม.ค. 2568 12:33:37 น.)
เก็บภาพ ก้าวเดิน tanjira
(22 ม.ค. 2568 13:52:29 น.)


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Location :
เชียงราย  Thailand

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