Simple life in complex world
พฤศจิกายน 2551
22 พฤศจิกายน 2551


Samet Island. "Samet" mean type of tree. it's a lot in this island. Samet is 230 km. from BKK in eastern. And take boat 30 minutes.

Have many beach in this island. Some beach is natural but some beach is junk form pub& bar.

Drawn: 1995
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Arawan waterfall, In Kanchanaburi, western Thailand, This waterfall have 7 step. i drew in step 1 and step 3. Kanchanaburi have many tourist point.Example killing train, ride elephen, rape, and forest.

Drawn: 1996

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Khoyai National park. This park 300 km. from Bangkok. It's deep forest. i often to visit this park. This park have many waterfall.

I did to lose way in this forest. 2 days with my friends to find way to our camp.

Drawn: 1994


Phukadung National park.Northern Thailand.
This park is very popular for teenage. It's have a lot of pine tree, mable and waterfall.
in this park is hight and cold weather.

Drawn: 1998


Cheng Mai Province, Northern TH. This's main norther city. Many culture. and handicraf i like this province verymuch. But in this picture i didn't time to drew so i had time to drew when i waiting at train station. So in picture is in train station and in train.

Drawn: 1998


Building picture. In first picture is Phayathai palace in BKK. In picture 2, 3. I saw this building in megazine(I think it's in Germany) and i drew from that megazine.

Drawn: 1998

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Dragon & woriror, I need to write long story about it. But i'm lazy to do. it

Drawn: 1990

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Create Date : 22 พฤศจิกายน 2551
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