Thank you for your kind wishes. May all of you in the administration have a very HAPPY, HEALTHY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...
As part of the community ..if there is anything we could do to assist especially in the fields of English language..please do not hesitate to ask. Feel free to call us at the cell number given during registration.
from all of us at TINGLISH Blog.. Timmie, Dan, Anne-Marie,Philip เอก และ ก้อย
โดย: Danny (Tinglish ) วันที่: 3 มกราคม 2549 เวลา:14:01:03 น.
Hi! Lopez.. This is what your name sounds like... Welcome...even just for the coffee.. Make yourself at home.. Thanks for dropping by... come back again...
โดย: Danny IP: วันที่: 3 มกราคม 2549 เวลา:16:15:38 น.
I'm saying hi to everyone here. Nice coffee. Nice atmosphere. And, of course, wonderful company.
โดย: Andy IP: วันที่: 3 มกราคม 2549 เวลา:17:21:50 น.
How duz 1 bcom a membr o this website? I tried lookin in da pantip website n there is NO English-evn da bit tht concerns smachick chao tang-prated. I tell u the thai is 2 complctd 4 a por 4 farang like me.
pls inform as i wdn't mind openin my own blog. nt tht theres nethin wrong w urs but i'd like space 4 my little kids 2 play arnd wout gettin unda ppls feet. uno wat i mean.
if u cd infrm da admin o da site it'd b helpful nt jus 4 me but udda farangs.
aftr all we speak Tinglish same-same u, nah?
g2g, cul8er, bye
โดย: Mark IP: วันที่: 5 มกราคม 2549 เวลา:12:58:42 น.
k. got hoold of te admin pppl. they sed they'll lookin2it. i thinkits2do w havin2 hve docs dunin english n tht kinda freaks sum ppl out sumtimes.
WE don take it personally against farangs. I guess they don think tht u'd b intrstd.
didya c all the rqurmnts they ask 4? 1st u need 2 scan ur pprt then i'll let u no asap wat2do aft tht.
patience my dear. jai yen-yen. we'll get u a mmbrship. its nt as badasit seem.
I am another one of these stupid 'farangs' that speak thai but can't write just yet. My opinion is this Thais are great mimickers so they can virtually say anything with any accent but the only problem is instead of copying a native speaker they copy each other. As a teacher I feel that is is my job to do whatever I can to change things, but I am only a "small potato", and a farang one at that.
Good luck on your this lonely crusade. I am sure the joy your teaching brings is way more valuable than the army pays you.
โดย: Mark IP: วันที่: 20 มกราคม 2549 เวลา:12:46:26 น.