กันยายน 2567
30 กันยายน 2567

In April (You call my name) - Wonderwall

… I sit on my pillow, my cat on my head
I hear your voice, boy, and can't forget
Your kisses were cold and full of loneliness
Hold deep sadness with my hands
… Won't be here, won't be there
I will write another story
And my tears will create
Will create a lake of sorrows
… But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name, you call my name
But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name, you call my name
You call my name
… The door is open now, I have to go
The moon shines brighter than it did before
The clock strikes 12, there's no time, time to sleep
We'll go upstairs, straight to the sky
… I'm not here, I'm not there
Took a ball point pen to write you
And my tears, they create
They create a lake of sorrows
… I'm not here, I'm not there
Took a ball point pen to write you
And my tears, they create
They create a lake of sorrows
… But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name, you call my name
But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name, you call my name
… The door is open now, I have to go
The moon shines brighter than it did before
… Was not here, was not there
Yes, I wrote another story
And my tears, and my tears (and my tears)
… But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name, you call my name
But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name, you call my name
But in April it sounds like love when you call
You call my name and you call my name
… My name, my name, you call my name
My name, my name, you call my name
My name, my name, you call my name
My name, my name, you call my name
… My name, my name, you call my name
My name, my name, you call my name
My name, my name, you call my name
My name, my name, you call my name
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Create Date : 30 กันยายน 2567
Last Update : 4 ตุลาคม 2567 20:52:43 น. 0 comments
Counter : 184 Pageviews.
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